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Yama Mama

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I know everyone is excited about coming to Freebird's MD next weekend. I cannot wait to see everyone again and meet some new folks for the first time. I think I should warn all the new folks about a certain members Rumballs. When offered a Rumball it is always fine to accept. You need to know that they are addictive however. The first time I had one it cured my month long sinus infection after one bite. The vapors made me dizzy when he took the lid off of the container. They are really good. So if a very tall fella comes up to you and asks you if you want to try a rumball, go a head but don't forget I warned you.

Yama Mama


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Man I forgot the Apple Pie. I guess the rumballs effected my memory. I know we have to put our tent in the same place this year so I can remember how to get back to the right tent. Remember it is the vapors that does it.

Yama Mama

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Man I forgot the Apple Pie. I guess the rumballs effected my memory. I know we have to put our tent in the same place this year so I can remember how to get back to the right tent. Remember it is the vapors that does it.

Yama Mama


Mama I'm sure you would be welcome at which ever tent you showed up at! :beer:

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Are you folks forgetting Eileen's Jello shots? New recipe this year. A mix of pineapple and cranberry Jello with Whipped Vodka. Great drink, should be fantastic Jello shots. :thumbsup2:


I think I'd come to your event just for that it sounds so good!

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I did not mention I found my tent on the second try. Jello shots? Did you say Jello shots. I do seem to recall Jello shots. It is just that my memory is so blurred. Apple Pie, rumballs, and jello shots......ah yes I think I remember.jello shots.jpg


Yama Mama

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That Mr. Vodka and I used to be very close. Problem was, he and I got into some trouble and I almost lost having my precious Tippy in my life and I had to make a choice. Either he had to go or,, well, I dont even like to think about that part. Tip is still CTFWing with me so my relationship with das brew is obvious.. I gotta reread our agreement and see if it says anything about consumption by eating :big-grin-emoticon:.. I am sure that wont fly so Mr. Rumball man, please dont feel bad when I pass on those Rumballs, just know that when I say no thank you that its not because of who made those delightful little treats, its more cause I screwed up and have to honor my promises!!!!:missingtooth:

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That Mr. Vodka and I used to be very close. Problem was, he and I got into some trouble and I almost lost having my precious Tippy in my life and I had to make a choice. Either he had to go or,, well, I dont even like to think about that part. Tip is still CTFWing with me so my relationship with das brew is obvious.. I gotta reread our agreement and see if it says anything about consumption by eating :big-grin-emoticon:.. I am sure that wont fly so Mr. Rumball man, please dont feel bad when I pass on those Rumballs, just know that when I say no thank you that its not because of who made those delightful little treats, its more cause I screwed up and have to honor my promises!!!!:missingtooth:


I am sure we can find someone to help cover your share.


with my best drunken slur "But really orificer, I had nutin ta dink, I only 8 some cookies..."

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