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finally did it


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Coming back from Naniamo on the highway the car in front kicked out a piece of wood with some metal shards attached. Right into my front tire. Shredded it.

Death wobble and down at about 80 kph. Helmet did its job...must get new one...crash bar did its job...must get new one...heavy leather jacket did its job...don't need new one...boots did their job. Still wound up with cracked ribs and broken ankle. Have to go to Duncan tomorrow to get pin put in. Have not been able to check on bike yet.

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Hokey spamokey Sailor!!! GLAD YOU ARE OK!! So sorry to read this but VERY glad it's you writing us to tell us you made it!! Thoughts and prayers your way as you mend and best wishes in the process of repairing/replacing your bike!! We are here if you need us!


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It only hurts when I laugh. The ambulance girls and the hospital nurses all said I was a tough old coot. Would have been nice if they had left off the "old coot" bit.

Hope to get to see the bike tomorrow after the operation.

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Wow, I hate to see this and right when riding season starts, but you sound in good spirits and hope you heal good and fast.

Last week was a bad week locally. We had two motorcycle deaths, one 40 years old and the other 55 and both were on Harleys. Both had an SUV pull out in front of them. The first one tore the door off the SUV and sent the driver to the hospital. This was on a 65 mph highway at 9:30 at night. The second one was in the middle of the day on a city street.


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Wow, I hate to see this and right when riding season starts, but you sound in good spirits and hope you heal good and fast.

Last week was a bad week locally. We had two motorcycle deaths, one 40 years old and the other 55 and both were on Harleys. Both had an SUV pull out in front of them. The first one tore the door off the SUV and sent the driver to the hospital. This was on a 65 mph highway at 9:30 at night. The second one was in the middle of the day on a city street.




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I saw a rider today with shorts and a t-shirt and sandals blow by the house. He needs to talk to you!

Glad you were prepared as you could be. I hope your pain is short-lived and your recovery quick.

SKID?? What you doing down there?? You make a wrong turn again???
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Off to hospital now. When they were running tests they found a problem with my heart that places me at high risk for stroke. I will be going on a blood thinner like warafin when I get out. You may now start the rat jokes. I do have a rat rod. 46 chev p/u. At least something about me will be thinner.

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