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Due to my accident they gave me an ecg and discovered my a-fib. For the past 3-4 months I had been really tired and would even fall asleep during the day. I was told that I had to go on a blood thinner right away. They will use the paddles to shock my heart into stopping then use them again to re start it, hopefully in sync. If that doesn't work I will be on thinners. I have a friend who has been through it years ago and is fine.

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I already played that game with the shocks (Cardiac Reversion).

Yes they were able to shock my heart to get it to stop. And they did get it to restart in normal rhythm. 2 weeks later I was back in a-fib. That is why I am now at the next step with the ablation. I am really hoping that this one will work.


Yea with A-fib the blood thinners are critical.


The day before my A-fib was discovered there was 3 of us carried about 500 lbs of hunting gear about a mile back into the woods. It took 3 or 4 trips. That is 8 miles of hiking thru the woods, 4 of which carrying heavy gear, and the time and effort and tree climbing to set it all up. At the end of the day I was the only one that did not look like death warmed over, I never had any symptoms or sensations whatsoever of the A-fib.

Wow, that doesn't sound like a fun procedure, good luck with everything. I've often wondered if I have something like a-fib also. I sometimes get a fluttering feeling in my chest, accompanied by a lightheaded feeling. I wonder how they diagnose it, since it doesn't happen all that often - maybe a couple of times a week, or so.


@Dale124, Dale - I have dealt with exactly what you are describing my whole life. Mine was normally happening when at rest (watching TV or something). Tip was laying with her head on my chest watching a movie one time and heard that puppy doing all kinds of things along with the familiar "flutter" feelings.. This was way back in the 80's. She said she could hear it missing beats and stuff. Went to a Cardio dude back then, wore a heart monitor so they could catch the thing (like yours, it was very intermittent). When it finally happened on record I was setting on the couch and screamed "got cha you nasty rascal".

Went back, thinking it was open heart surgery stuff.. Docs said it was "PVC's" or something like that.. Something about the heart not getting filled up all the way or something.. Said lots of folks have it and it was of no concern. Suggested I knock off any caffiene usage (how did they know I LOVED Mountain Dew).. I cut out the Coffee (hard) and the Mountain Dew (harder) and guess what - it REALLY helped (no idea why)..

Recently I was diagnosed with Sic Sinus and am still being considered for a pace maker. I asked this most recent cardio guy if those early years of the flip flopping heart feeling and light headedness stuff was related to this low signal to the bottom of my heart they recently found.. They said probably not, that things change as we age..

Just wanted you to know your not alone and I can relate to what your saying..

Bottom line my friend, at a minimum, if your intaking caffiene, I would try cutting that stuff out completely and see what happens - cant hurt.. Go to a cardiologist and let him have a listen, that ticker aint nuttin to fool with..


Well it looks like plan A


I am scheduled for the Cardiac Ablation on June 17. starting at 9am, expected to last till 6-8 pm.

I will be spending the night in the hospital and escaping the next day.


June 17th 2015, the beginning of my friend Jeff's new life!! Prayers Up and BLessings Down Fool - its on my calendar - will be praying for you brother!!

Might be time to consider a 2nd Gen Jeff???:innocent-emoticon::innocent-emoticon::mugshot:


Heyyy Dan, that makes me wonder,, for us guys that like Harley's and cant afford to ride one,, I wonder if a guy a had a Pace Maker installed if they could time the thing to go "Potato Potato Potato" :crackup:

Probably shouldnt have said that, some marketeer from HD might read it and use it as a money maker for the Motor Company.. I can just see their new accessory catalog advertising official HD Pacemakers :yikes::cool10:.. :stickpoke::backinmyday:

Might be time to consider a 2nd Gen Jeff???:innocent-emoticon::innocent-emoticon::mugshot:




I ain't old enough or slowed down enough for a 2nd gen to catch up to me yet.

Not even close.




Heyyy Dan, that makes me wonder,, for us guys that like Harley's and cant afford to ride one,, I wonder if a guy a had a Pace Maker installed if they could time the thing to go "Potato Potato Potato" :crackup:

Probably shouldnt have said that, some marketeer from HD might read it and use it as a money maker for the Motor Company.. I can just see their new accessory catalog advertising official HD Pacemakers :yikes::cool10:.. :stickpoke::backinmyday:


I can see HD jumping on that idea in a heartbeat.......:rotf:


But my fingers are crossed that I will not wake up with one of those pacer thingies stuck in me. That was a possibility the doc mentioned.


I've always said Hardley makes their bucks from accessories cause the bikes cain't be worth that much......Tater,Tater,Tater.....A Hillbillys Hardley!!:think::bang head::mugshot:


Nah, it would keep breaking down. Every time you went up a hill it would slow right down. ( apologies to any Hardly owners here but I could not resist)


I've had a pacemaker since '98, only concern from my dr. was that I gave up smoking before hand. Since then I got a new one when battery wore out, and another new one 2 yrs. ago cause I had a 2 wire model and needed a 4 wire model upgrade. other than office visits to check things out things are good. Get this feature the new one has, if for any reason my heart / pacemaker messes up I sound off like a car alarm and that's my notice to get to a hospital. And adjustments are made wirelessly, using a laptop. Science is amazing these days. Don't worry about things, the drs. got things under control.


Hello fellow A-fibers,I have it too for last 9yrs or so,got some days I feel pretty bad and some days I feel good.I have an extra beat that I feel right now and sometimes it feels like several extra beats.Now my brother is going through some tests for his heart not beating right and he is starting at the same age I was when trouble started.Don't have any medical reason for the a-fib,no heart disease ,no valve problems ,no blockages just something electrical I think it's age and the insulation is worn off the wires and they're shorting out kinda like plug wires can do when they get old.Doc hasn't mentioned getting ablation but with the price of that with med. bills I already have for my son it would be out of the question,I'd just have go lay down and die I guess.


Hey Arthur!! Good to hear from you!! We need to fix up a battery pac you guys could carry around or may if you start acting funny we could shoot you with a Tazer?? :innocent-emoticon: Hope they get a fix for this. See you this summer. I'll bring my Tazer.....:mugshot:


I've had yearly bouts of heart fibulations about 7 to 10 years ago. Scared the crap out of me, and thought I was going to bite the bullet. The last bout took me to ER. They poked and prodded and after 2-3 hours came back with a clean bill of health and that I had a heart that was pumping like a steam engine. Before leaving ER one of the older nurses came in and asked me if I had any stress in my life?? I thought about it and had to admit that dealing with my late wife's health issues was indeed causing a lot. She responded with "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Haven't had a fib in a very long time, and with practice know when to walk away....


My Dad went thru the A-fib ordeal back in the mid-90's. He also had an ablation procedure, but from time to time his heart would still act up so his cardiologist implanted a defibrillator and that took care of it. Once in a while he said it would shock him to take care of an A-fib episode, which he said felt like he was grabbing an electric fence. Good luck with your journey!!


I just got all of my paper work with the instructions of what all to do leading up to the ablation. that whole week will be busy, and complicated.

I just got all of my paper work with the instructions of what all to do leading up to the ablation. that whole week will be busy, and complicated.




Yep, you're gonna be busy. I'm sure they'll bring you in and do a dye test to see if you have any blockage before they do the surgery. Also, right before the surgery, they'll put you in a semi sleep and run a probe down your throat to look at your lungs and the back of your heart to see if you have any blood clots. Don't freak about that, you won't even know they did it. I have a crazy hyper sensitive gag reflex, but had no issues with that procedure.

Also, tell your family that will be waiting on you to be patient. It is a long freakin surgery. I got to the hospital at 9:00AM and went into surgery at noon. They finished at 6:00PM. Then the family had to wait an hour or so before they could come back and see me. It's a long day.


You'll be okay though. It's just the hastle of it all.


I start at 9:00am with a CT scan of the heart. Then have to sign in for surgery by 10:00am at the most extreme opposite corner of the hospital complex. This complex covers 6 city blocks. Then they will take 3 hours to prep me for surgery at 1:00pm, actual surgery is expected to be around 5 hours. I will be spending the night there.

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