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How to Loosen Rusted Hardware


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A Friend passed me this... I've not tried it...


“Machinist’s Workshop” recently published information on various penetrating oils. The magazine reports they tested these products for break out “torque” on rusted nuts and bolts. A subjective test was made of popular penetrating oils, with the unit of merit being the torque required to remove the nut from a “scientifically rusted” bolt. Average torque load to loosen nut:


No Oil used ……………………516 foot pounds

WD-40 ………………… ……..238 foot pounds

PB Blaster …………………….214 foot pounds

Liquid Wrench ………………….127 foot pounds

Kano Kroil …………………….106 foot pounds

ATF/Acetone mix…………………. 53 foot pounds


The ATF/Acetone mix is a “home brew” mix of 50/50 automatic transmission fluid and acetone. Note this “home brew” released bolts better than anycommercial product in this one particular test.

Our local machinist group mixed up a batch, and we all now use it with equally good results. Note also that Liquid Wrench is almost as good as Kroil for 20% of the price. ATF/Acetone mix is best, but you can also use ATF and lacquer thinner in a50/50 mix. ATF = Any type of Automatic Transmission Fluid.


This version of the story was in one of the Military Vehicle Club newsletters


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The acetone and ATF does work well, but be careful, acetone will damage some plastics and paints.


A drop or 2 is all you need, having it running all over does nothing to help break loose the bolt. By using just enough you have less chance of spillage damaging other things.

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Good post!


I've made it and used it, but be careful what you store it in. I couldn't figure out what that red liquid was leaking out of my chemical storage unit.

Well, that's what is was. (stored in a plastic spray bottle)

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I've never kept any on hand and should. What is best to store it in?? I know glass would be great but some of the small cleaner bottles we throw away could work?? Hard to figure which ones to trust.

Edited by Yammer Dan
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isn't fingernail polish remover basicly acetone? If it is you could use one of those bottles.


It is available with and without acetone. That is a great idea for a source of it, going to raid my wife's supply :)

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Based on ALL the comments here......I'm gonna say that, based on the (tiny) amount needed and the (corrosive) impact on any potential storage container........the first thing that comes to my mind.......to satisfy BOTH requirements.....is a glass bottle with a glass eyedropper. (I guess a nosedropper and/or and eardropper fall into the same category.)


The only possible caution being that the "squeeze-bulb" on most of these "droppers" is rubber....which might NOT be as hearty as the glass part, so try not to suck up more than about half a tube's worth.......and don't invert, if you can possibly help it.


Thanks for the tip on the fluid combo......whoever got this thread started!

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