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Golden years,, yea,, right. Take it from a man who knows, enjoy your youth!!


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Well confound it Puc. Didn't I tell you once before to get better? You never listen to me........


I can sure sympathize with you on the heart issues. I am sitting here waiting for a callback from my cardiologist as I type this.


OH and another LATE Happy Birthday. I'm always a day late and a dollar short......

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Shoot!! Listen you young whipper snapper, you ain't even close to being golden. If I were as young as you...and know what I know now... I'd be dangerous!! We all have glitches during our lifetimes, but that's all they are.. a glitch. Wait until you're in your 70's before you start playing the 'how many years' game. I'll be racking up another notch next month and have gone thru a few of them, but the only thing I think about is how many more years do I have left... to ride..... and finding a girlfriend.... :-) WooHooooo!!

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Happy Birthday Cowpuc! I turn 60 this year too (Sept) I hope my birthday isn't so dramatic, though I did spend my first birthday in the hospital ;) Amen to all you said! My Dad worked 50yrs for Chevrolet as a mechanic, with 2 wks vacation a year, "retired" to Social Security with a gold plated watch and a trip to Hawaii to show for it. He enjoyed his retirement 3 years, got a stroke and malingered 4 years and died at 73 years old, 3 wks shy of his 50th wedding anniversary. So, yes have fun while you can, you don't own even the next second of your life :yikes: After my accident back in October :Avatars_Gee_George: I seriously considered hanging up my riding boots for good, but I do enjoy it so! So here I am back riding again, ready to see what is over the next hill :biker: I've only met you once, but we hope to see you and Tippy again, God willing :thumbsup2: We hope you get all straightened out and back on the road :thumbsup: See ya on the trail :7_2_104[1]:

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Puc.....I know how you feel as I am right there with you on falling apart.....This mind is willing, but the body isn't always willing to go along with some of my hair brained ideas...Sometime we need to remember to slow down a little......and on the good days ..GIVE EM HELL YA...HOOOOO!

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There's one thing to be said for enjoying life while you can but if a person enjoys it too much along the way (like me) and doesn't concern himself about those "golden years" then you can wind up reaching those days only to find you can't fully enjoy them because you didn't prepare for them along the way. Here I am at 68 and scrambling to hopefully retire in 2-3 years but somehow in the back of my mind I know I'll probably need to continue working well beyond that at least part time.


Here's hoping for healthier days ahead my friend!

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Puc happy birthday man, I'm in cancun Mexico but I had to log in to wish you a happy birthday. Great advise on enjoying every day as you can . Sometimes thing get more difficult to do but adjust do them slower or a different way but keep doing them. All the best from south of the border.

Edited by bill in mn
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Great wisdom in your statements Scott, and I try to do that as well. Matter of fact, seeing I just got laid off, I'm going to do just that, as Lonna and I have done that back in '06. I truly hope they get your health straitened out soon so you can get back to raising some hell. I have been fortunate enough to be able to meet you and Tippy, and I'm looking forward to doing it some more.


Happy Belated Birthday to you Brother, may we have many more to share with you.

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Scott, even though I only met you once, at Venture West, last year, I consider you a friend and a very special person. I sure hope your health issues straighten out sooner than later. I would love to see you and Cheryl again at this years VW, if possible. Stay strong, my friend.


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WELL,hAPPY BIRTHDAY PUC,hope you had a great day,I have to agree with your comment about enjoy your youth,I`m love being retired,but I`m losing way to many friends at this age,4 so far this year and my sister-in law two days ago and 2 of my dogs last month,so far I ain`t liken 2015,so take damn good care of yourself,I don`t want to lose anymore friends.


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WELL,hAPPY BIRTHDAY PUC,hope you had a great day,I have to agree with your comment about enjoy your youth,I`m love being retired,but I`m losing way to many friends at this age,4 so far this year and my sister-in law two days ago and 2 of my dogs last month,so far I ain`t liken 2015,so take damn good care of yourself,I don`t want to lose anymore friends.



Sooo sorry for your loss(s) Rick!!! Gotta say though, reading those words and knowing what they mean is the BEST medicine of all!! THANK YOU my FRIEND!!



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I also can say I enjoyed my youth. Pilots licence, Motocross, drag racing (legal), National ranked Judo player, and anything else that looked like excitement including sky-diving. Now at 69 years old I treasure these thrills. But like you I have had set backs in recent years. My philosophy is that when the ticket is punched, I will have just finished digging a six foot hole in the ground.



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