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I have read lots on the rear end whine others have had on their RSV's. I bought my 2004 last fall with snow on the ground. I bought her with out a test drive. 3 weeks ago I took her to the shop for my government safety. I had a really loud whine that got louder the faster I went. I was not happy,

I ended up having to the swing arm bearing for safety as well as the rear brakes and rotor. I added in a rear diff. oil change while they were back there. After I picked up my bike the rear end whine was gone. I can't say what it was that made the radiance. Maybe the swing arm bearings wearing threw the drive out of whack.....or maybe a simple rear oil change. What ever is was I am happy it is gone and I don't have to spend time trying to figure out what is causing it.

This is my experience and if it helps somebody, then it was worth the time to submit it.

:fingers crossed:


Hey GF (and all you other 2nd Gen Owners),, I, I, I,,,,, I dont recall reading anything about rear end whine (going out on a limb here, guess I shoulda done a search first) - maybe its cause I dont hang out much in the 2nd Gen tech section?? Now,, if we are talking clutch whine,, than yea - lots and lots of whining about that one :big-grin-emoticon:


l have personally (knock on my wooden forehead cause I am a little ways from any other wooden object at this time:thumbsup:) experienced some odd noises coming from what sounded like it could have been a rear end BUT, always found that to be associated with a certain brand of tire being worn a little square and making humming noises when I corner with it,, other than that, all of my Yamaha rear ends have been very quiet and really durable... NOT doubting your word here GF, just stating an observation from owning a few 1st Gens and running em out to their terminal end... Never did even own or ride a 2nd Gen so I probably should just shut up and let someone who has a clue give some thoughts.. :thumbdown::thumbsup:

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