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So about an hour and 15 minutes then? :big-grin-emoticon:


Hey, I'll be riding with a guy who is riding one of those first gens, so please give us a little more time. :biker:

Hey, I'll be riding with a guy who is riding one of those first gens, so please give us a little more time. :biker:



Yeah you are going o slow him up considerable.......:mugshot:


Lori and I are officially a "Maybe", were are in talks about making the trip. It would be coming in on Friday and leaving on Sunday. We will keep ya posted. Checking motels now.

Lori and I are officially a "Maybe", were are in talks about making the trip. It would be coming in on Friday and leaving on Sunday. We will keep ya posted. Checking motels now.


Darrin, ALRIGHT!!! Been wanting to meet you for a LONG TIME!! Hey,, if your leaving on Friday maybe, maybe you folks could hook up with EagleEye and I and ride over to meet Rickardracing, and on over to meet the east side bunch and then we can have a great big VR parade to Don's!!! Is that kinda what you had in mind? :fingers-crossed-emo


Reading about BkntheSaddle's broken balance shaft reminded me of something that happened to me years ago.. I wrote an article about the adventure and it got published in a trail rider magazine, took about 5 issues of the rag for em to complete it (lots of folks dont know this but I tend to be a little long winded, even in my writings).. Anyway, the story involved driving a semi for a Movie Star/TV actor, driving an unrestored, barely runable 1959 Studio Truck used by Hollywood to haul equipment to Kanab Utah for filming of Gunsmoke to Michigan, making friends with a Mexican who snuck into the States (took 4 trys) who achieved citizenship and is now a multi millionaire, getting invited by a group of guys to dirt ride the Piute Mountains in Cali, a broken balance shaft on a KTM 400 22 miles inside of those mountains, leaving the bike and walking 22 miles out of the mountains.


If the owners of the Pond Palace allow story telling and if anyone is bored while sitting around the campfire and would like to hear the story, short version - medium version or full version. Just ask me about it.. My hands are in pretty rough shape with Dupuytren's but the disease hasnt effected my ability to speak (or two finger type) :big-grin-emoticon:

Is there a way of typing other than 2 fingers?????:confused24: :confused24:


Ahhh yea,, dem toe's dont work dat bad... Fingers fir countin, toes fir typin....

Darrin, ALRIGHT!!! Been wanting to meet you for a LONG TIME!! Hey,, if your leaving on Friday maybe, maybe you folks could hook up with EagleEye and I and ride over to meet Rickardracing, and on over to meet the east side bunch and then we can have a great big VR parade to Don's!!! Is that kinda what you had in mind? :fingers-crossed-emo



Same here Puc, Yes we would look into meeting the Michigan Contingent if the timing works out. Were pretty flexible on when we take off, just dont want to run highways all the way, Were more back roads kinda peeps...


Our route is mostly rural Ohio route 2 most of the way east not far off the shore of Lake Erie, with a few miles of interstate. 3 1/2 hours drive time plus stops.


Just got off the phone with Eagle Eye. He gave me permission to speak for both of us (really smart guy :hihi:). We wanna try to hook up with Rickardracing and than over to meet up with Raggie's bunch - both surrendering to riding the ickspressway for this trip if needed. Be glad to make a stop in GR to meet up with Darrin on the way. What we need now is some kind of an idea on times - so, Raggie, name a Rally point and a time to be there (in hour's, military time is ok - we're pretty savvy me and Eagle Eye).. :178:


I can meet at either place. It is exit 15 at the TA/BP truck stop. As for time, that would depend on what time Scott & Steve could be where ever we decide to meet.



I might invite myself into this gang to tag along.....depends on some work stuff. But I really wanna!

I can meet at either place. It is exit 15 at the TA/BP truck stop. As for time, that would depend on what time Scott & Steve could be where ever we decide to meet.


How's this sound gang, lets plan exit 15 on I 75 at 10:30 with a minimal 11am departure from exit 15 for elbow room.. That way, if - God forbid - something should come up health wise or other and someone cant make it the rest are on their way.. If we get there and decide to have a late breakfast/early lunch and dont get out of there till Noon, thats cool too..

Anyone know if that will give us sufficient time to make Oberlin by Dinner time at that Lube/Oil and Filter joint? I know it would be plenty for Steve and I but not knowing where who ever is leading the parade takes us (Oberlin via Huntsville?) - just double checking, I personally dont wanna miss having Chicken fried in 15w40.



I might invite myself into this gang to tag along.....depends on some work stuff. But I really wanna!


So,, your planning on working are ya when your spose to be riding with your friends... Ok,, just a minute here,, I read something a while ago that fits right in here,, cant find it,, it was something about how even God himself laughs at our plans :rasberry:


Arent I terrible,, sorry PB,, would LOVE to ride with ya bro!! :cool10:


I might invite myself into this gang to tag along.....depends on some work stuff. But I really wanna!


Let me know what your plans are if you want to ride together. By the way we are thinking about staying there on Sunday and going to the Rock& Roll Hall of Fame, and coming home on Monday, not sure yet.

I can meet at either place. It is exit 15 at the TA/BP truck stop. As for time, that would depend on what time Scott & Steve could be where ever we decide to meet.
IS IT I-75 exit 15

Ok, here is the poop. It is 57.5 mile from Territorial Rd and US23 to Exit 15 (TA Travel Monroe). Clear traffic will take an hour. So Cowpuc, you will need to hit the Sunoco Station at the Territorial exit by 9:00- 9:30am. We get on the road after meeting with Jay and group by 11am, we will have plaenty of time to get to Oberlin for dinner. Now I am not sure if John and Sandy are going to go get their room in Elyria before Oberlin or not. I am staying at the same place. We can judge that when we get closer to Oberlin.

So do we want to make this concrete? Meet by 9:30 at Territorial and then head to Exit 15?

Ok, here is the poop. It is 57.5 mile from Territorial Rd and US23 to Exit 15 (TA Travel Monroe). Clear traffic will take an hour. So Cowpuc, you will need to hit the Sunoco Station at the Territorial exit by 9:00- 9:30am. We get on the road after meeting with Jay and group by 11am, we will have plaenty of time to get to Oberlin for dinner. Now I am not sure if John and Sandy are going to go get their room in Elyria before Oberlin or not. I am staying at the same place. We can judge that when we get closer to Oberlin.

So do we want to make this concrete? Meet by 9:30 at Territorial and then head to Exit 15?


Got some more changes going on here on my end. Some good news today that very .very possibly will put Tippy on Tweeks with me for MD - yeeeeehawwww:thumbsup:.

For that to happen though, it will mean a later departure time from our home here in Muskegon on Friday morning. I am waiting for Raggie to jingle me back on the land line, trying to see how much time we will need between Exit 15 and Dons - should know more about possibilities of - how/if we will fit into the group ride in just a bit!! If it doesnt work for us to ride with you guys over there - SAVE US FOOD AT THE OIL CHANGE PLACE MR. RICKARD ---- PLEASE!! :big-grin-emoticon:


@etcswjoe - Hey Joe, noticed your name on the list for MD - YEEEHAAWWWW!! Somehow we managed to sneak away from visiting you folks at the International last year without you signing the sticker you got for Tweeks at the Barber Museum (thanks again buddy). Could you please help me remember to ask you to sign it at Dons this year - sorry I missed that!!!

Oh yea,, thanks again for rescuing us at Mickey Dee's down yonder too! :thumbsup:

Your ol buddy



PS - is your wife coming?

PsPs - Tip said she hopes so!! :big-grin-emoticon:

Tell Tippy we ain't letting you in if she don't come.......:innocent-emoticon::mugshot: Then Bubs sure sound sweet. I nailed it on that one.:7_6_3[1]:


Got er done Dan O'!! Oh,, and Tip said she is glad to hear those snoring stoppers worked and the Bubs (here in the North we call em nostrils) are sounding sweet again!! :big-grin-emoticon::witch_brew::stickpoke::rotfl:


CANT WAIT TO FINALLY SEE SILVER BROTHER!!! Hey,, is the Warden making the trip - would LOVE to meet the women that holds the reins to your harness!:bighug:

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