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Wonderful night in emergency room


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Thanks for all the well wishes but I'll be fine. I'll get the tests done to rule out any problems. Just to clarify, I wasn't shoveling snow. I was on my old John Deere lawn tractor with the snow blower. Wasn't over exerting myself and wasn't over heated at all. Was actually quiet relaxed. Old tractor was running good. Now blower was working great...no plugging up or anything. It was going very well. Was dressed warm and very comfortable.


I already do much of what some of you have suggested. I've taken an 81mg Aspirin for several years. I take 1000 mg of vitamin D every day along with 1200 mg of fish oil and a multivitamin. Very good about taking them and never miss a day. My blood pressure is good and I'm on no medication for it. Fairly healthy for somebody who will turn 60 early next month. Very little medication and nothing related to heart problems. At least not until now. They did put me on something for now but I don't have the bottle in from of me so not sure what it is. I know it is for Angina and they wanted me to take it until I have the other tests done. The cardiologist thinks that I may have some blockage. At any rate, I'm feeling OK now. Will get the other tests done and then go from there.

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Get all the tests the docs can give you. This is not something to mess with. Same thing happened to me twice in the last seven years and now I am on Coumadin to thin my blood due to two pulmonary embolisms. It is hard for them to diagnose blood clots and they can kill quickly.



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Glad to hear you are doing ok. Just went through this with one of my best friends about a month ago. About the same age, apparent good health with no problems. Just took the whammy you described out of nowhere. Again, his wife made the call and had a bag packed for the hospital before the ambulance even got there.


That lil trip left him in ICU for 5 days for tests and observation. Found the same issues as you. Doctors finally released him with a couple of scripts and scheduled some regular visits for a while. He's doing well now but grateful his wife called and glad to know what happened and Doctors are keeping an eye on him.


Hug your wife, do as the Doctors say and all will be well.


Who was it that said, "Behave yourself!"

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Don, Hopefully it was nothing more than a little anxiety attack from not being able to ride.

Winter does that to bikers.

Hope you get to feeling much better soon, and stay off the tractor for a few days.

To dang cold up your way.


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I used to get anxiety attacks all the time that would make me feel like I was going to die. I went to have a stress test done at Garden City Hospital and was waiting for my turn on the treadmill . There was a 90 year old lady on it that had a heart attach a couple days before. She clasped in the middle of the test and they couldn't revive her . They told me that never happened before and I said it wasn't going to happen twice that day. After seeing this and another anxiety attack it took them 20 minutes to get me on that thing. I was about 25 at the time.

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Looks like I'll be busy the next few days with all those wonderful tests. I have an an angiogram tomorrow along with a couple other things. Then on Wednesday I have a stress test. I had hope to get all of it done today because I have some meetings in Detroit that I needed to be at. I've got a small sign show in Detroit on Thursday and Friday but luckily it doesn't start until 4:00 on Thursday so I should get to it with no problem. Other than feeling a bit weak, I'm fine and need to get back on the road.

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I had a good friend that went to the drag races at Bristol with his son, who had a 240Z with a 400 small block Chevy that they raced. He had a weak spell and almost collapsed and EMS checked him out and told him he needed more checks. He told them he was OK and refused further treatment. A little later he was found in a bathroom stall where he had collapsed and died. He had had a heart attack and may have died anyway, but by ignoring the symptoms, we will never know.

It may be inconvenient to have to deal with what you are going through, but dealing with a funeral can be kind of inconvenient too. If you have not stopped smoking yet, it may be a good time to rethink how important smoking is to you and your well-being.

Remember, you have a whole lot of people that care a lot about you and many of them have never even met you.


Edited by Venturous Randy
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Man I miss my cigars,, as hard as it is to quit, I totally agree with Randy on that suggestion. Don, if quitting is on the agenda for you and you dont wanna do the cold turkey routine and would like to try some Nicotine gum - I have a few boxes of the stuff that my neighbor gave to me that I would gladly send you free of charge.. Just give the nod and its on its way!!

Prayers UP as you folks go thru the tests!! Thank you for doing so!!


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Man I miss my cigars,, as hard as it is to quit, I totally agree with Randy on that suggestion. Don, if quitting is on the agenda for you and you dont wanna do the cold turkey routine and would like to try some Nicotine gum - I have a few boxes of the stuff that my neighbor gave to me that I would gladly send you free of charge.. Just give the nod and its on its way!!

Prayers UP as you folks go thru the tests!! Thank you for doing so!!



Have any of you guys tried E cigarettes?

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Do what Eileen tells you and nothing more. Definitely nothing to play with even if it turns out to be nothing serious. Don't worry about anything with the site someone else can help you out plenty of folks here do computer stuff.

I don't want to hear you not listening to Eileen or I'll have to come up to help her out.


Now that you've been properly terrified take care of yourself.



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I will do as told. I almost cancelled the stress test earlier today. After I read your message about coming to help Eileen, I figured that was all the stress test I needed. :shock3:


Seriously, I think that all the tests are done....unless they come up with some more. Had a heart echocardiogram yesterday, abdominal aorta echo this morning, stress test this afternoon. Now just have to wait on the results. I'm honestly not very concerned as I have known for years that I am fairly bullet proof. :)


Unless they call and tell me otherwise, I will be on the road tomorrow for a sign show in Detroit.

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Man I miss my cigars,, as hard as it is to quit, I totally agree with Randy on that suggestion. Don, if quitting is on the agenda for you and you dont wanna do the cold turkey routine
Man, I'm with you here. I'm a bad kid and still smoke a pipe or a cigar...once every few months or so. Man am I glad I got rid of those cigarettes and chew though! Whoooooeeeeee! If I had every dollar I'd spent on those two my bike would look brand new, my gun safe would be full AND I wouldn't be broke! Hate to say it, but...Much as it bites, cold turkey is the way to go! Requires some serious willpower, but after a couple days you're alright, and after a couple weeks you're great. Couple months and you're in the clear.



Yeah, we all think we are bullet proof until..................


I hope all the tests show that you are as healthy as can be!


I'm 25 and had the same assumption. I don't call off work, not in my nature. By God right after Christmas I got the flu virus, and with a day off I spent four days off work and felt like death living for a good two weeks afterward. Still don't have my breath back. None of us are completely bulletproof. Hoping and praying you're healthy as a horse!

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Well Cleveland Clinic has what they call MyChart. I got up this morning and had an email telling me that my test results had been posted. So I took a look and to be honest, I don't understand a lot of it but after using my good friend "Google", I have come to the conclusion that everything looks pretty good. Stress test appears to be fine. Echocardiogram of the heart looks ok too. The only thing that I was a bit unsure about was the abdominal aorta echocardiogram. It stated that I have an Ectatic Aorta. From what I could tell from Google though, it is very mild and it looks to me like it is something that will probably be monitored maybe every couple of years but nothing to be concerned about at this time. Of course there is a chance that I'm reading everything incorrectly but I don't think so. I'm sure I'll hear from my doctor at some point and will know for sure but for now, I'm moving on with my normal activities. :)

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