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The Great VR Scavenger Hunt


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i know a few members here that could just take the picture of them selves, as they are cops too!!


Yeah I figure they are just sandbagging to allow non-LEO's a chance. I'm sure if no one responds soon they will jump in to progress.

I've started following this recently and you guys tagged the NASCAR track the week before I went to the Pocono's. My buddy even road by the track for a picture at the gate while I was relaxing becuase I had told him about this (EPIC) thread.

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I didn't think this one would be that hard. Just down the road from me is a Donut/Subway shop that 6-8 officers are there at noon everyday. I don't think I'd get arrested for asking for a picture? I think it would be wrong if I posted on the mission I started.

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I believe someone got this pic done at MD when we took a ride Saturday night......but Im not sure it qualifys because it was it was just a rent-a-cop........:rasberry::rasberry:


we will have to wait and see if it shows up soon !!


He was a real city cop...:thumbsup2:


Wow,we got home and I forgot all about this..


Here's the deal.........I got the picture,but the very nice official police officer asked that I not post it on the web because of his job....So,I will honor his request..

I showed the picture to several people at MD including Don..So it does exist...

Don and I talked and he said that if I e-mail the photo to him,he will blur out the official police officers face and that way it will be ok...I don't have the skills to do this and I don't trust Cindy to do this because she would have me standing next to the cop from the "Village People"..:yikes:

So,that's what I will do as soon as my daughter gets home with the camera..:whistling:

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I don't have the skills to do this and I don't trust Cindy to do this because she would have me standing next to the cop from the "Village People"..:yikes:


You just had to give her ideas, didn't you.............:bang head: I can picture her, cranking up photoshop now...... :stirthepot:

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Ok we do not have to wait here are the photos let's get this going again,

Me my bike my boss and a cop over my left shoulder, the second picture is his partner!


Next target - you, your bike, & a Native American in traditional costume!

Anyone going to The Tail of the Dragon IV @ Vogel should be able to get this at the Cherokee Reservation.

It everything goes well I'll will be on the Dragon on Monday!!

Edited by Ferrantelli
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Yes the first one got it because it was changed to no hat needed.

I got a chance for the new one on Monday also. Leaving Monday to ride around Lake Superior and know of where to get the picture when going through Mackinaw City. The race is on???

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest seuadr
Next target - you, your bike, & a Native American in traditional costume!



Scooter Bob,the Indians at Ho-Chunk Casino won't qualify....:rotfl::rotfl:



Joe,it's just good to see the thread going again....:)


how much % native do they have to be? i'm a 16th, my dad is an 8th, and we both do french and indian re-enacting so we both have the "costume" :D

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I'd say OK, if it was up to me. Anything to get this moving again with some scenic target instead of having to stage something.


just my .02, Scooter Bob

I have to agree. It seems a lot of the times this thread stalls is when the target becomes something that needs to be more staged, rather than something you would find out on the road somewhere.
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I agree, the fun comes when the most people have a chance at finding and getting the shot, without having to ask someone to do something unusual or risk being un "PC". I understand the desire to try to set the target at something a little harder, but then the thread stalls.


Let Ferrantelli set a new target.

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I agree, the fun comes when the most people have a chance at finding and getting the shot, without having to ask someone to do something unusual or risk being un "PC". I understand the desire to try to set the target at something a little harder, but then the thread stalls.


Let Ferrantelli set a new target.


OK by popular demand I will set new target!


For those of you that are actively seeking the original it is still valid, it is only fair.


As an option target " You, your ride and a Ferry boat on or off".

Edited by Ferrantelli
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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's my bike on the ferry from Depature Bay to Horseshoe Bay (I could be wrong it was a long trip!). These are from last Saturday.


I hope this doesn't mean I have to do anything... :-)


Are you in the picture with it?


If you win, you have to choose the next scavenger hunt target.

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This was taken last July on our trip to Newfoundland. In the Pic is TFD69 (Rest in Peace)his wife Marion Buck and I. Picture was taken by my wife Dianne. A memory that will last forever.


New challenge: Picture of you and your spouse and your bike in a sunset setting.

Edited by relic
Next challenge
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