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I see a lot of members traveling all over the place. I for one would have loved to know that other then sleeping on the welcome center Between Norfolk VA and Dismal swamp state park in NC. There were members houses, near by ( a warm Bed or even a place to pop open a tent. ) would have been better then sleeping curb side.

Is there a way to log in on a map, (Google maps) plot your route. and see if anyone, would offer a room or a place to drop your tent )?


Like to anyone that was riding through, Vero Beach FL, my home is a VR House.


I know there is a List of were people live, But I was thinking from an offering stand point, other then having to call someone, out of the blue.


I am right there with ya bro!! Back when Don fired the members map back up, I was playing around getting my info on it when it occurred to me,, why not have a way to address exactly what you are talking about using the members map.. I made the suggestion of somehow identifying our private properties that could be open for just such a thing - able to pull in, drop a tent, stay a night even if the hosting member was not home.. Seems like, there was some chatter about how difficult this would be and how we might be opening ourselves up to problems so the idea never really went any where..

Even though it didnt fly,, I did purposely put and leave the pointer on my balloon on the members map exactly where I have NO problem having VR members stop and camp ANYTIME - NIGHT OR DAY.. I left the pointer in its current position for exactly what you are asking, so if someone is on VR and looking for a place to drop a tent or whatever, I can just instruct them to look me up on the map and go right to where the balloon points and they are golden!! There is a fire ring there, water available.. Of course,, if home, I have tools - spare bedroom - shower and probably know the Lake Michigan Shoreline's most EXCELLENT touring oportunitys as well as anyone - I even have some hidden area's that are AWESOME riding that I would be glad to show off BUT - I wanted to be able to offer the camp opportunity up regardless of what we were doing!!

BP,, take a look at the member map, put it on satellite, go up to west michigan and find my balloon - zoom in and you will see what I am talking about.. Maybe somehow this will encourage others to do the same and a few years from now, Walmart Parking lots across America will be vacant of beat up ol Yamaha's parked next to bearded ol geezers camped on the pavement,,,, wait a minute,, we are talking a major life change here,,,, thats a horrible thought....:big-grin-emoticon:


I've thought about this and it seems to me that the only way to connect is on the internet, which of course means a computer. Now, I'm gonna do a trip again next year, and I'm not taking a computer and grudgingly taking my cell phone, so i see no way to do this. I'll preplan my trip generally, but not road for road. Then again, It gets WAY to complicated!

I suppose my smart phone would be able to do some of these things.


I am like Puc, The map shows my house and big back yard, If anyone ever needed a place to stay I have a couch in sunroom that is conditioned(heat and cool) or lots of room for tent as long as you don't mind my dog that has a doggie door to go in and out. BTW my beer fridge is in the sunroom as well.


I live in NE Tennessee and we have room most of the time for overnighters. They can either stay in one of the bedrooms or they can camp in the yard or the woods. I have had several visitors from VR. Also, my balloon is right on my driveway. My number is in my profile.



Only problem I can think of is maybe a deal if someone gets the info from here, then looks you up to do harm. It sucks but folks are out there like that. Maybe a way to anotate it and a fellow could set it all up prior to traveling.


I think that the answer to Brake Pads question is: yes there is a map, it is our members map. And if you are somewhere, anywhere, you can look and see if a member is nearby and if he has a phone number to contact, or a place to camp/stay.


Of course this requires you to have a computer with you, or I suppose a smart phone could do that. I've never tried the phone thing.

Only problem I can think of is maybe a deal if someone gets the info from here, then looks you up to do harm. It sucks but folks are out there like that. Maybe a way to anotate it and a fellow could set it all up prior to traveling.


I totally get that DJ,, I really do.. Me personally though,, I dont worry about it,,, if someones hunting for me and wants to do me harm - they dont need a dot on a map on the internet pointing to a firepit in my backyard to find me,, I truthfully dont worry about it.. If anyone of you are riding the west shore of Michigan, need a spot to drop your tent - even at 4 in the morning - look up my balloon on the VR map and follow it in, pull in and flop your tent... I worry more about being attacked by the Chipmunks that sneak into my garage in the summer time than I do about getting mugged by some gangster..

Another example of this same kind of stuff is I have a really close friend that carries his 9mm everywhere he goes on his bike.. He is legal and all that and is constantly bugging me about packing again.. I feel the same way about carrying anymore when I am riding.. I toted my 45 for years back when I had the kids with me all the time and always had the daunting question of - other than shooting someone who was flat out assaulting one of my kids (I would) - would I shoot someone over stealing my bike or robbing me?? I long ago decided that if someone wanted to steal Tweeks or wanted my wallet I would rather give the stuff to them before killing someone over something that is so easily replaced.. Honestly,, the more I travel, camp in crazy places across the country and get to know people - the more I think that I was wayyyy over zealous in not trusting my fellow man..

On the same token though,, I stay out of the biker bars and crowds of drunk kids (been there - done that) and THAT has solved a TON of my issues,, of course - weapons dont belong in those environments either... Funny story,, last year Tip and I went to cross into Alberta Canada up at Glacier.. Had our handy dandy "Enhanced" Drivers Licenses that were supposed to work as electronic passports for clearing the customs guys.. We were told that we would be able to just drive thru the gate.. Welllllll,,,, not so much.. The electronic transfer worked fine BUT - this nervous guard at the gate looked us over really really carefully and was having a hard time believing that a couple bikers on a motorcycle with a set of Antelope Horns on it didnt have some kind of a weapon.. I finally caved and admitted to having a weapon after being asked at least a dozen times.. I pulled out a key chain my grandson had given me that had one of those little key chain pocket knifes on it (3/4 inch long type with the little plastic tooth pic that slides out of the side) - showed it to him and apologized for misleading him.. It was than that he realized that I was telling him the truth that I really was not dangerous - unless you let me talk ya to death:big-grin-emoticon:


We have had numerous Venture members stay at our place over the last 5 years. We always make an offer when we see someone is planning a trip through our area. And we extend the offer in general.....If you are traveling through central Illinois and need a warm bed, a shower and a garage for your bike you are welcome here. You know we are not to picky who we let stay here we even let Brake Pad stay...................Just kiddin Mike you know we love you Brother. If you are near come on by you have a standing invitation.


I got a bunch of folks that told me they were coming to my house to kill me!! :mugshot: All those years in Prison!!So far no show ups. Just give me a call. Almost always close by unless M&E or something. Warden been mentioning Beach. But for the most just call. I got tent spot extra bedroom,shower maybe some food if we are nice to her....:fatsmiley:


I had Sharon put the Venture site on my smart phone and its very easy to use. We have a open door policy here its never locked day or night if you need a place to put up a tent just pick a spot other than in the horse pasture, and there are a couple of campers to choose from we will find a place for ya and a place to put the bike in.

Orlin and Sharon

I had Sharon put the Venture site on my smart phone and its very easy to use. We have a open door policy here its never locked day or night if you need a place to put up a tent just pick a spot other than in the horse pasture, and there are a couple of campers to choose from we will find a place for ya and a place to put the bike in.

Orlin and Sharon


Yea,,, me an Orlin,,, we aint skeerd a getting thumped on are we Orlin!! Course we aint thumped on a bunch of bad guys like YammerDan either but thats a whole nuther story!!


I belong to other clubs that have created a list of possible services individua are willing to offer to other members traveling through the area. Things such as tech,tools,transport local information/guide service.spare room,tent site etc. You sign up for as much or as little as you wish and it is published in a members only area on the website. Is such a thing desirable here and possible?

I belong to other clubs that have created a list of possible services individua are willing to offer to other members traveling through the area. Things such as tech,tools,transport local information/guide service.spare room,tent site etc. You sign up for as much or as little as you wish and it is published in a members only area on the website. Is such a thing desirable here and possible?


Well now, this is embarrassing,, me making some suggestions for things addressing what you are asking when I cant even tell someone how to locate the info on VR that Don has worked so hard to have already provided.. My apology Don!!

Somewhere on here is exactly what you are mentioning Peg only I cant find it to tell you where (still searching),, I did find our contact phone numbers listed in membership lists under "VR assistance" column but I am not sure where the actual VR Assistance page with all the stuff you mentioned is,,,,, I know we have one cause I seen it before and filled it out..

Im the ONLY ORANGE BALLOON On the Map (Orange-Florida)


Mike your ballon is orange because it is your location, mine is orange when I look a while logged in, yours is blue when I look at it logged in as me, as I am sure mine is blue when you are logged in, unless of course I am logged on then mine would be green, if you were logged on when I looked yours would it be green.


Got it? :think:

Mike your ballon is orange because it is your location, mine is orange when I look a while logged in, yours is blue when I look at it logged in as me, as I am sure mine is blue when you are logged in, unless of course I am logged on then mine would be green, if you were logged on when I looked yours would it be green.


Got it? :think:


Exactly M6,, well said!! I tried to explain that to a Police Officer one time when he said I ran a red light,, he didnt get it though and I had to pay a fine BUT I KNEW this truth would eventually come out!!


The members list is the only place you can find it right now. The other list you are talking about is outdated. Members list is viewable by supporting members only so that is a fairly secure place to put it. I need to find an easier way to do a printable list. The old one was very labor intensive and I didn't keep it updated often enough.

The members list is the only place you can find it right now. The other list you are talking about is outdated. Members list is viewable by supporting members only so that is a fairly secure place to put it. I need to find an easier way to do a printable list. The old one was very labor intensive and I didn't keep it updated often enough.


Hey Don,, THANKS!!!

Playing around here with this balloon map and discovered another way.. In the members map section, Click on a balloon in the area you are interested in, the members name will appear. click on his/her name and their info box appears, click on "about me" on that screen and bingo,, you are in business!!!


Yea, that works and thanks for the tip. The problem is, I used to keep a printable assistance list online but after the site update, I never started doing it again and like I said, it was such a pain to do that I didn't update it very often. I just looked and realize now that even the fields in the User Profile that show what services a member offers is no longer there. I have some work to do. Will try to come up with a new and better solution in the near future.


OK...I've added the necessary fields to the profile. Members will need to go to their profiles and edit the two fields, Can offer Assistance (yes or no) and then Services offered.

Hey Don,, THANKS!!!

Playing around here with this balloon map and discovered another way.. In the members map section, Click on a balloon in the area you are interested in, the members name will appear. click on his/her name and their info box appears, click on "about me" on that screen and bingo,, you are in business!!!


Thinkin out loud here again (big character flaw),, what if we number coded different catagories of VR Assistance that we were willing to provide. An example:


1 = emergency towing

2 = tools n repair fac.

3 = riding companionship

4 = housing, camping w/ prior contact

5 = camp 24/7 no prior contact needed


Than,, each member just plugs in any of the numbers he is willing to help with after his phone number found by clicking on their balloon on the members map..

Sooo,, here goes Puc cruising across the city of Los Angelous,,, 1 A.M. rolls around and he is tired, pulls into MickyDees to flop his tent in the parking lot, pulls out his tablet, checks the members map and notices VentureFar phone number listed as 555-999-0998 1,2,3,5.. It has a 5 by his number and he lives 2 blocks away, Puc jumps back on Tweeks, pulls into VenturFars driveway, parks off to side so not blocking VentureFar in, plops Tent on ground, goes to sleep, wakes up with VentureFar staring at him with coffee in hand, Puc drinks VentureFars coffee while VentureFar calls in sick for work, VentureFar pulls his bike out of garage and VentureFar, Tippy, and Puc go riding cause VentureFar not only had a "5" by his phone number, he also had a "3" by it....



Yea, that works and thanks for the tip. The problem is, I used to keep a printable assistance list online but after the site update, I never started doing it again and like I said, it was such a pain to do that I didn't update it very often. I just looked and realize now that even the fields in the User Profile that show what services a member offers is no longer there. I have some work to do. Will try to come up with a new and better solution in the near future.


OK...I've added the necessary fields to the profile. Members will need to go to their profiles and edit the two fields, Can offer Assistance (yes or no) and then Services offered.


Brother,,, your like the energizer bunny :Bunny: - you got miles and miles ahead me as I was thinking and typing that last note,,, you da man Boss!!!

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