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Buddy and I did Lake Michigan a few years back, now moving on to the next lake. Looking to do Lake Erie in late June and looking for tips & advice. Leaving from Chicago and fly the toll way to Toledo then work our way around, not sure which direction yet but probably doing 200-250 miles per day staying off the highway and following the lakefront as much as possible.


1. Already have a passport and know the usual traveling outside the country stuff, but have never driven outside the states. What do I need to know about riding in Canada?


2. Sights to see, roads to hit?


3. Anyone along the way free the weekend of June 26th?

Posted (edited)

From Toledo north there is no lakeside route till you cross over in Detroit to Canada, The Canadian side of the lake has some nice routes along the lake. A circle tour around lake Erie is not as nice as the others around Lk. Michigan, Huron or Superior.


No guns allowed in Canada. Fuel & food cost more. Lots of Canadians up there, learn their language, Two key words there are Eh? and Beer.

Their Prime ministers name is Red Green and the vice PM is Don Cherry. :big-grin-emoticon:

Edited by ragtop69gs

We are not far from the Lake Erie shore line and run it a lot so when the time comes I'm sure we can hook up and travel with you for some of the route. Show you the local stuff and sights..


Not sure if you are riding around the lake clockwise or counter clockwise but I might be in for a tag along. I am considering a trip myself and it is pretty close to your timeline and might make for the beginning of mine.


Cj, if you are not too time constrained, you might consider a bit longer loop to include lake Ontario. It is an easy add on if you have the time and it would sure add a bunch of scenic riding in Ontario and in the Finger Lakes area. Anyway, there are a bunch of us in south west Ontario that I know would enjoy riding a stretch with you.


We have ridden that area many times and also ride the Niagara region of Ontario almost everyday during our riding season, if you need any info or would like some riding companions there are many of us on the site that ride the areas your looking at.



  ragtop69gs said:
Their Prime ministers name is Red Green. :big-grin-emoticon:


He was impeached in '13 for his shennanigans. Even though he has dual citizenship, we let Alex Trebek take the reigns.


Just showing you that we (Canadians) are very friendly and very confused or very BORED.. this happens when we get snowed in and can't get out of our igloos...:canada:

Posted (edited)

watch out for our pet beavers crossing the road.

and for fur traps at highway rest stops


as stated, leave your guns at home and make sure to bring your manners


road rules are pretty much the same

-we ride on right side of the road:hihi:

-helmets are required

-ok to turn right on red light after a full stop

-no rolling stop allowed

-no lane splitting or riding on shoulder to pass

-daytime headlights required

if not posted speed limit is 80 k/hr in country or 50 in built up area ( approx 55 and 30 mph)


mandatory diet includes poutine and beaver ails (just not from our pets)

Edited by Trader
Posted (edited)

Hey Trader, do you get stopped a lot ?


It's 50 k/h in built up areas. FYI.


"statutory speed limits are 50 km/h in urban areas, 80 km/h in rural areas."

Edited by The Tooch
Quote Highway Traffic Act.
  Max said:
He was impeached in '13 for his shennanigans. Even though he has dual citizenship, we let Alex Trebek take the reigns.



As long as you keep that Justin Beiber on your side of the border we will put up with the rest of them.


I've already started talking with my insurance about being Canadian applicable. Helmet rules, firearm rules, speed limits are all clear for our group. I was reading that boarder crossings can get a big hairy and you should have a copy of the vehicle title, that seems excessive. Wouldn't a valid plates & registration, insurance, and passport suffice?


Never needed my title to cross! As far as insurance, just drop by to your agent and get your Canadian endorsement card, it's free and just states that your insurance is applicable in Canada. Crossing is no big deal, just be polite to the nice man in the booth and answer his questions. They are trained to pry into you verbally to detect any emotional red flags, they are just doing their job!


Yes, just passport or enhanced driver's licence if you have one, plates, registration, and proof of insurance. You only show your passport at the booth.


Well if you are travelling the north shore of lake Erie you may as well come by my place and stop in!!! :canada: We live on one of the better roads that hug the north shore!!! :thumbsup2: If you stop by at the right time we'll give you a meal a bed or a camping spot if you want to rough it. OR we could go out for dinner which ever you would rather do!! :beer:


I can smell a M&G coming up,,,, I'll tell Marca she won't have to cook for a week.

Let's see.

1st @ Green Acres

2nd @ Tuckers

3rd @ Pioneer

4th @ Talbotville

5th @ Normandale

6th @ Algonac

Not necessarily in that order.

We could also stop at Normandale,, I hear there is free beer there.

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