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So I was asked if my username had to do with peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. I do enjoy pbj's but that's not the whole story. The first time I used PBJMAN was for my XBOX Live account when they started the online service in 2002. (Try to get a simple 6-letter name on there now!) I didn't want to use something random or something silly like "#1KILLER" like most of the kids on there so I reversed my initials J B P to PBJ and it looked too short so I added MAN. Still have it on xbox and have used in on some other forums.

What's your story?

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Oh man PB,, thats easy = http://www.sovietsteeds.com/forums/images/smilies/bs.gif




Back in the late 80's I salvaged my first Venture,, an 84 Blonde Royale (whose side covers can be seen on 1st Gen #5 known as "Tweeks" with close to a million miles on em).. Bought it to take my kids cross country touring (was doing a lot of it on Dual Sports and stuff but needed KID time - grabbed an "estate sale special") to get some one on one with em.. Two oldest were already riding, used to camping (deer woods) and loved the outdoors.. Took my time with em around Michigan on the 84,, starting with the two oldest (7 and 8 year old daughters).. They named that great big beautiful blonde girl "Big Girl", which instantly became B G, which soon became BEEG - crazy world raising kids.

Next summer I announced that I was looking for a rider to go out west on a motorcycle trip,, 1st born has always been the timid one, a precious little girl just a little timid,, always liked to let her younger sister "test the waters" before she would bite.. Looked at the 2nd born and teasingly said your too little,, still remember the look on her face http://i.imgur.com/BV4YY.gif - :sign just kidding:

We packed up, headed west, my 8 year old, always the brave one of the bunch,, little crazy like her dad, daughter of mine and I. As we cuddled up in a tent under the stars on the rim of the Grand Canyon we got chatting about biker life.. One of the things we talked about was weird biker names we had heard mentioned along the path.. She was really intriqued by those colorful names she had heard.. We decided we needed biker names and talked about "finding" them before the trip was over...

One of the weird things that always seems to happen to me when I am touring has to do with cows.. I always manage to find and step in cow manure when we camp - still happens to this very day!! My daughter always laughed at me shaking the stuff off my tennis shoes.. Our kids were never allowed to swear, even "questionable" words like poop or crap were not allowed as youngsters (think thats bad - they were even forced to call adult neighbors by Mr. or Mrs. - addressing an adult by a first name was a no-no around our home).. My daughter had a "lisp" back than,, it was om more than one occasion that she pointed and yelled "dont step in the cow pucky daddy",, somehow I could never miss all of it and,,,,, it stuck...


One of the problems we had while crossing AZ headed toward Needles while on that trip was keeping a hat on her little head... I wasnt about to force her to wear her helmet in that heat (+115) but she had really really fine hair that absolutely had to have a cap of some kind.. We finally managed to figure out that one of my caps on backwards with a couple rubber bands poked thru it and wrapped under her chin worked!! I named her "Cappie" - that stuck too..

Other kids all wanted "biker" names but each understood the "biker code" = they had to "earn" their names,, 3 days of touring or more... Now Tip and I have an "Awawhoo" (1st born - woke up out in North Dakota with her singing to the Morning Doves), "Cappie" who you have met, "P-Dog" - son LOVED looking for and playing with Prairie Dogs, "TOTR" (pronounced Totter), last born LOVES the Tunnel Of Trees up in Northern Michigan = Tunnel Of Trees Rider and TIP,, that Tippy earned her name after the kids were grown,, she stayed home many many times and watched over three little kids while the 4th one was out chasing around the country with ol Puc... She has been, still is and will forever be a "Treasure In Person".. :thumbsup:


Many years ago my oldest daughter had a shirt made for me for my Birthday.. I only wear it for very special occasions cause it means a lot to me .. She has taken it and added the shoulder patches as my youngest and Tippy earned their names.. You will notice the name "K-Puck" on the back,, a result of a young girl not wanting anyone to think of her pappa as poop.. Later in life she offered to change it but,, aint no way,,, aint no how.....









Edited by cowpuc

When setting up my Facebook account we were trying to think of a name to use,my daughter inlaw walked by and looked at the computer screen and saw a picture of my bike and said Hey that looks like Ricksbike and it just kind of got used.


Posted (edited)

Pretty simple really I always loved the outdoors and ridding horses and motorcycles were among my favorite outdoor activities along with camping and canoeing of course. When email first came out and it was pretty well standard practice to use something other than your own name in your email address, people who knew me suggested that saddlebum would be the perfect handle for me, specially since a saddle could be found on both horses and motorcycles. Well it just seemed the perfect site name for me as well.

Saddle Bum.jpg

Edited by saddlebum
Posted (edited)

Guess the first person to call me CaptainJoe was Bob Gibbs, my flight instructor.

It was immediately after my first solo.

My wife Penny, snapped a pic of Bob shaking my hand with the Cessna 150 in the background.

It's one of my favorite pictures and is in my living room bookcase to this very day.

After that, the name stuck.

Edited by CaptainJoe

I'm a rather simple guy,,, no real good history,,,, except that I married a wonderful woman called Marca,,,,,, all is did was add rl to Marca,, so we have MarCarl,, the two of us bound together.


Well now if I can remember it was the first time the wife went for a ride on the RSV. I was parked on the side of our driveway, when she tried to get on I could not hold the bike and it did a slowroll into the grass and we live in WV.


OK there was a thread several years ago like this one but I can't find it so I'll tell the story again. I've been Bongo Bob since the mid 70's when I was a roadie for a good friend doing local gigs. At one particular local club/bar the crowd was especially rowdy and hard core party hardy so I got loose and was beating on the table to the rhythm of the band. My friend introduced me as "Bongo Bob" and it stuck, even to the point where one night one of the regulars brought in a set of Bongos and I had to play them on stage!


I live in New York state, and there is already another Bongo Bob that had already taken the name Bongo Bob on Yahoo, etc so I added the NY to my user name...


Grew up on the waterfront out in the sticks. Been involved in boats for work and mostly pleasure all my life. I have had power boats and sailboats. I love being out on the water. The nick names "KB" "Mr B" and "Sarge" have sort of followed me so I wanted something different for this site and I chose "sailor". Perhaps not the best choice since I now get big burly bikers saying "Hi sailor";) I love sailing and to me biking is as close as you can get to that feeling on land.


Boy, do I have a story for you.....Oh wait, I'll save that for another day


Original name here was TD'sTD Initials of first and last name and Tour Deluxe. Sold that, so I felt I needed to change.


TDunc = First initial and first four of last name...... How friggingly unique is this?


By the way, None of which I actually go by if you know me.




Grew up on my cousin's farm....my nickname was a shortened version of my full name, from Reinhard down to Reiny. While on the farm my uncle was impressed that this city boy was an early riser, like the rooster....hence I became Reinyrooster.

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