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(Quote- Freebird) -

It may require a message to the user requesting access to find out what their username is here. A bit more work but not that big a deal.

This is exactly what I have been doing. It works too!


The biggest issue will be going through all the current members there and seeing if they are supporting members here.

Been working on this today. If there was a way to perform a search on the VR.org site using the requestors name, it sure would be easier since we do not know their user name on the VR.org site.


Been working on this today. If there was a way to perform a search on the VR.org site using the requestors name, it sure would be easier since we do not know their user name on the VR.org site.


Unfortunately, I have found that MANY of our members don't put their full name or even an accurate searchable (for example, they don't use the drop down list for their home state) location into the VRO member registry.


As I have suggested on the VRO Facebook page, include your VRO username on your Facebook Timeline/profile.


"You know what would be nice? If everyone posted their VentureRider.org username on their Facebook timeline. I did it some time ago and I would like to think it helps us to put real life names (as on Facebook) and VentureRider handle/username together. The handle shows up on your timeline.

Here's how: https://www.facebook.com/help/131728300237162 "

Unfortunately, I have found that MANY of our members don't put their full name or even an accurate searchable (for example, they don't use the drop down list for their home state) location into the VRO member registry.


As I have suggested on the VRO Facebook page, include your VRO username on your Facebook Timeline/profile.


"You know what would be nice? If everyone posted their VentureRider.org username on their Facebook timeline. I did it some time ago and I would like to think it helps us to put real life names (as on Facebook) and VentureRider handle/username together. The handle shows up on your timeline.

Here's how: https://www.facebook.com/help/131728300237162 "


ok question of the week. How do you get your forum name under real name. Instead of behind.

ok question of the week. How do you get your forum name under real name. Instead of behind.


Not so sure I really understand your question Rodney. Are you wanting to get your forum name on the Facebook forum in place of your real name?

ok question of the week. How do you get your forum name under real name. Instead of behind.


Rodney, I don't know the answer to that question, but I suspect that if you had a long real name (like mine) that your nickname would be placed below. Don has the same problem. His nickname is on the same line as his real name. But, I don't know positively if that is the issue. I do know, after seeing your attempt at adding a nickname that includes a numerical digit, that numerical digits seem not to be accepted by Facebook as a nickname.

I wonder (I haven't tried it) if instead of choosing 'nickname', if you were to choose 'other', that maybe the username (sans the digits) would be placed under your name instead of on the same line. Just conjecture, I dunno.


This is going to get interesting. Many of the people on the facebook page start there then have joined here. Some have enjoyed the friendship of others here but may not want to have to Pay here to be friends with these people they have been friends with. Facebook allowed them to do that. On this forum "owned' and run by Freebird and the moderators we have chosen to be here. We've chosen to pay for that privilage. Will we start blocking people because they don't pay to be here? That somehow doesn't seem fair. Its one thing to block someone that is harrassing people on the page or is bad mouthing ventures or yamaha's because they aren't owners. I could understand that. I can also understand keeping this a closed group, but closing it to people who are not paying members here somehow doesn't seems appropriate. Thats just my 2 cents.


I don't know how I got mine under name. But tried other names to use number just spelled it out finally. just wondering how its done

No you weren't. Stop being a :witch_brew: We would not refuse the rum ball maker.


When I look at my own page or the Venture page I do not see myself listed as a member and I can not get into the page to look at anything.

OR I am just all messed up and doing something wrong and not understanding FB.

When I look at my own page or the Venture page I do not see myself listed as a member and I can not get into the page to look at anything.

OR I am just all messed up and doing something wrong and not understanding FB.


Jeff, I can't find you on Facebook (general population). Provide a link to your Facebook page and I will friend you and add you to the VentureRider Facebook page.

The FB page seems a little to hot for me, think I will just hang out here.


Me too Ben, me too!! Only I am hanging here for a different reason,,, I am still stuck on trying to decide whether I like the Blue, the Grey, the Green or the Red screen on this new site the best,, I spend hours just clickin from one to the other,, no time for face book....


Here is a little helpful hint. If you ask to join the FB page, the admins may send you a private message to ask you to verify your name here. You may not see those private messages, since you aren't friends. If you look up at the top left of home page, you will see "messages". After you click on that, you will see "inbox" & "other". Most people have messages in that "other" folder, because they never knew it was there. Check it out.


I was already a member of the FB page. Really did not realize the FB page was connected to the VR site. I did recognize a few of the members real names. Glad I am a member of both.

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