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For all practical purposes, the upgrade is now complete. All server software has been upgraded to the latest stable versions. PHP, MySQL, etc. is all current.


VBulletin software is updated to the version that I felt was best for us. We are using VBulletin 4.2.3. There is actually a version 5 but I don't like it. I had to pay for version 5 but then had the option of using any versions up to the latest that is what I paid for. Version 5 is missing some key features that we use here and in fact, a lot of sites are not installing it.


I ended up purchasing the latest version of the classifieds software that we had been using on the old site. I am actually very pleased with it as they have added several features that I felt were needed.


I've installed a lot of modifications and customizations already and I think that all the important things are there. There are still some small things that need to be added but they will come in time. There are a couple of things that probably won't be brought back simply because they are more trouble than they were worth.


I have heard some of the things that you are missing. A button at the bottom to take you back to the forum and etc. I will be looking at these things over the next days, weeks and forever probably. I'm always looking for ways to make this site better for all.


So all that being said, please use this thread to request any features that you would like to see in the future. I'm out of town again now and have spent many hours on this. Eileen was basically a widow last weekend as I spent almost every moment working on the site. So there won't be a lot more done over the next few days. I need to NOT spend a lot of time on the computer when I get home tomorrow.


I want to thank all of your for your patience over this past week or so. I know that things are different but hopefully you will get used to it quickly and we can get back to talking about motorcycles and riding. :)


Looks and works good for me,,,,, now if you could just add COGNAC to the color choices I just know that we would attract more members and things would work that much smoother and faster.:headache:


Now suddenly I'm having a bit of an issue. When I post a reply, it's not taking back to the list of posts, just shows my reply and I have to go back to the thread to see the full list. Strange. Not happening on my PC, only on the MacBook.


Don one thing I've noticed id that on the old site when you would open an attachment on a post all you needed to do was scroll down to close it. Now you have to close the attachment by clicking on the X. Can we go back to the old way of doing it? The old way was a lot more convenient for reading the next post after the one with an attachment.

Don one thing I've noticed id that on the old site when you would open an attachment on a post all you needed to do was scroll down to close it. Now you have to close the attachment by clicking on the X. Can we go back to the old way of doing it? The old way was a lot more convenient for reading the next post after the one with an attachment.


Another way to close the attachment is to depress the 'Esc' key.


Great job like the new look and color choices . Thanks for all your hard work sounds like you deserve a good nights rest imho shut off all electronics and take a night off.


"New Posts" Not so new.

On the old site once you leave the site, the next time you come back and click "New Posts" you just got all new posts since your last visit.


Now when I click "New Posts" I get all unread posts back to the last time that I went to "Forum Actions" > "Mark Forums Read". The old "New Posts" would do the mark all forums read for you with out having to go to a pull down and do it manually.


Is there any chance of getting the old functionality back??


I know it is only another 3 mouse clicks. But I have already worn a hole in the center of my touch pad on my laptop.


Like the new site but now today on two different threads with pics...when I click on the pic I just get a semi-dark semi-transparent screen...I can see the thread behind of through the dark screen but no pics??

Just wanted to send a big Aussie "thank you" to you Don for all the hours, and hard work you put in to this site.... :clap2::clap2::happy34:




Just change "Aussie" to "Puc",, hmmm,, is that legal on this new forum or do I have to meet Annie and Quickstep all over again to have that honor...

See everyone later on down the Road Maybe.......:mad:


Just so you know what this is about, in spite of my posting MANY times about the classifieds being worked on and then telling people I was finished and asked our "member vendors" to please let me know if they wanted an area created under their name, I never heard anything from Wildbill and so had no added him back yet. Then I get an email from him where he is mad and feeling that he was singled out because his ads were deleted. EVERYBODY'S ads were deleted, even mine.


I replied to him and told him what happened. Will be more than happy to add him back. People just need to chill out a bit though and not take everything single thing so personally.

Just so you know what this is about, in spite of my posting MANY times about the classifieds being worked on and then telling people I was finished and asked our "member vendors" to please let me know if they wanted an area created under their name, I never heard anything from Wildbill and so had no added him back yet. Then I get an email from him where he is mad and feeling that he was singled out because his ads were deleted. EVERYBODY'S ads were deleted, even mine.


I replied to him and told him what happened. Will be more than happy to add him back. People just need to chill out a bit though and not take everything single thing so personally.

don your just to nice.

Came up in another thread....but any old posts that have links to ads the links won't work. Links to old threads or read only section will work.


Why is it that there seem to be two welcome messages?

"Well we have a new member" and "Another user registered!"


If there is a thread when a new user signs up and another when they become a full member....think we only need to know when the new user signs up, not when they pay their membership. I'd still like to see in the thread title the State/Province they are from. Makes it easier to welcome locals to the site.


Because it's not a perfect world and I am still working on all these things and testing and modifying things and trying to get it right and am tired and my head hurts and I'm getting a million emails and .... the sun is in my eyes and....



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