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New Metzlers


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The low tire pressure is a spin from Metzeler to shake off blame for a poor tire. Most of us on this forum are pretty anal about maintaining our Ventures and that would include proper tire pressure too. Of three sets of 880's that I have run 2 sets lost rubber. Maybe some or most of you have been just pretty lucky with your 880's. I sure as heck havent. They are a great handling tire and I do miss that about them, but I also like my rubber to stay on the tire, not come off when you least expect it.


Back to the tire pressure issue. How many of us had run low pressure in your car tires. Most of us have been guilty at one time or another. Have you lost rubber? Ive been riding since the 70's and have had Dunlops, Conti's, Avons, and whatever cheap tire there was out there on various bikes. Back then I wasnt really meticulous about maintaining some of my old bikes. My main objective was partying. But in all those years I never had rubber come off a tire until Metzeler. I mean how low is low on a bike? If we run too low a pressure the bikes handling will surely suffer and any one here would make the pressure adjustment right away. So, again, how low is low on a Metzeler to cause it to lose rubber and for how long must that pressure be down before the tire fails? Most products have a safety margin built in. Products are usually much stronger/better then the recommended value the mfg assigns to it. What would be considered low on a Metzeler....3 lbs off, 4 lbs off?? If a tire fails with that low a difference then its junk to begin with. All that being said Im sure there are thousands of you out there who have had no issues with the 880's and for that im glad but for those like me who have been blessed to not have a rear tire blow out on us when one of those tires decided to toss rubber Ill just stick with my tried and true Avons. :smile5:

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A lot of people liked the Metz on anouther forum for my old LC1500 so I tried them and hated them. On cold wet pavement I felt like I was riding on ice and didn't even like them on dry pavement. I switched to the dulop k555 on the rear and the 404 on the front and loved them. The bike never handled so good. I ride pretty aggresive and I wore the back tire out on the RSTD in 5k and just put the Michelin Comander on and so far I like it. I hate the brickstone and cant wait to wear out the front.

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