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In December I posted about my friend in the hospital and they were going to pull the plug and let him die, I visited him the night before and he was 100% aware of what was going to happen. it took him three days to die all the while gasping for air because his lungs was only working at 10%. A few years ago another friend had lung cancer and was told he had no chance so his family pulled the plug and he only lived a couple of hours before he choked to death. Three weeks ago I dropped a friend home after we were out. a friend who I saw every day, while I was getting some groceries out of my van for him he fell backwards off his porch and hit his head. I thought he was dead, sounded like someone dropped a bowling ball on the concrete, his eyelids was open but his eyes was rolled up in the back of his head. The only way I knew he was breathing was because the damn fool was snoring, I called 911 and the ambulance and two sheriff paramedics showed up and took 45 minutes to stabilize him. First time I visited him he didn't know who I was and the next time he knew me but didn't remember what happened, they said he had a broken collar bone, three broken ribs and something wrong with his spine, I asked about his head and they said there was some bleeding on the brain but they were not concerned about it. After a few days they put him in a chemical induced coma to keep him from moving around so his bones could heal. NEVER once did they say anything more about his head trauma, so tonight I get a call and was told that his sister and worthless daughter are meeting with the doctors tomorrow about pulling the plug because of brain damage. NEVER once did they ever say to any of us that they were concerned about his head trauma or fear of being unable to recover. Some of us went to the bar tonight that Fred liked to go to and got drunk as hell in his honer, there is noway that this isn't just a cost saving measure by his insurance company to save money to avoid long term care. How do you go from being placed in a coma to keep from moving around so bones can heal to be being brain dead. Fred lives in Florida in the winter and comes back to Michigan (about 300 feet from my house) in the summer and not one day goes by when I don't hang out with him. So tomorrow I will go see another friend before the insurance company kills him. Hip Hip Hooray for the USA and free enterprise. Very very sad night. Thanks for letting me vent.


May God let us all go peaceful in our sleep not only for us but for the ones that love us.


The damn thing is that I can't stop crying and I don't know if I'm crying for Fred or if I'm crying because I'm afraid my children will have to decide whether or not to pull the plug on me. guess getting old sucks in more ways then one.

Edited by KarlS

They knew, he was bleeding from the back of his head. The only part of him on the concrete was his head and shoulders the rest was still on the steps. I had to help lift him off the steps and onto the backboard because the female ambulance attendant didn't want to let go of his head and the make attendant couldn't move him by himself and the paramedics had not arrived yet.


Prayers out for him. I spent 13 days in a coma, not induced just out around 1976. Family was told if I woke I would be no more than vegetable. And I woke looking for my bike before they could unplug me. Never say never.


There is incompetence everywhere, hospitals and doctors included. We have to be involved with everything that is important to us to make sure it is done correctly.


Life is very fragile and the end comes for all of us. We can just hope it is in the distance and is quick when it does arrive.


I know it hurts to lose a good friend. With the pace of life today friends are far and few. Try to focus on the good memories you have of your friend and live your life in a manner that he would approve of. The good Lord will handle the healing of your loss hopefully.



My prayers are going out for your friend and for you! It is indeed a sad time right now.


I hope you have a Will and it states your intensions, if heaven forbid, you are in that state. Then your family does not have to make that very hard choice. When my brother was on life support, I got a call from the doctors wanting to pull the plug. I told them to do everything they could to sustain his life. I was told by family members later "I" made the wrong choice. Everybody needs to know your (our) wishes.


Thoughts and prayers going out for your friend, his family and yourself Karl!! What a terrible thing to have happened.. It dont get much harder than what you all are going thru!:backinmyday:


Fred's family did not listen to the doctors and would not allow them to "pull the plug" and I just got word that he has been opening his eyes today and seems to be getting a little better. He's still on a respirator and full of pain killers and other meds but it is a good sign.


Hang in there.

My father went thru this a few years ago. They were ready to pull the plug. He did not recognize any family members. he is now able to drive and living a fairly normal life. There is just a 2 year span that he has no recollection of.

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