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ok so BobRSVMillenium has made me an offer I really like but this is a long ways from home . Is there anyone in or near that could go check this bike out for me. Hope this is not too taboo to have a member check out another members bike but I tend to lean on the conservative side and 16 or so hours back home on a new to me bike comcerns me as it is. Much less one I havent had a chance to check out. This trip would mean I would have to take at least 4 days off to get there and back and most of that being the ride back. Would like to be assured as much as possible. BobRSVMillenium has assured me himself its a good bike but hey I am who I am and originally I said no as money was the biggest issue but that can be arranged for the wright bike.


BobRSVMillenium I hope this doesnt come off as an insult to you as it is not meant to be I am just overtly anal about things like this so if someone is willing I hope you would be willing also to have someone look at it for me. This is no less than I would do if it was someone outside of the group too .



Thanks in advance


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