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Ive always liked the looks of the turned down exhaust on bikes and my 85 VR. Ive noticed some pics here with the turned down exhaust on the RSV. Who makes those and are they still available? Or does a member have a set to sell?






There are a few choices. Khromerwerks and Sampson both make them. Also any that you can find for the touring Harley's can work with a simple bracket fabrication.


Well, maybe Khromewerks no longer makes them. Just checked their website and can't find them now. They were a very nice muffler if you can find any.


Samson seems to have discontinued them also. Too bad. Samson's were OK but very loud. Khromewerks weren't quite as loud and could be repacked.


Looks like KHROME WERKS is supporting the units they made that fit the Venture. I just queried their web site for the part number and various replacement parts all came up no part found. Shame because they looked good and sounded good also.

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