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Question for the RETIRED!!!


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OK just wondering how the retired among us start their day. So I'll go first.

I'm up any time between 6am and 7am. Have to take the dog out!!! Now the odd time I'll get up at 8am but I have been know to sleep in later if I've had an exceptionally late night. :whistling: But on such occasions the dog lets me know when I have slept long enough. :bang head:

I get up turn on the coffee, take the dog out, then come in and make my coffee, hit the couch, turn on the morning news/weather. Check email then check in on venturerider and the XJbikes site and go through the Ebay listings. Then open up the garage and see what I need to do to the bikes. Then go back in and order needed parts. :stickpoke: After that I do what ever is planned for the day!!!

Which is negotiate the HONEY DO LIST!! :crying:

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Sounds familiar. My bikes don't need anything, but I go look anyway (wet spot on floor), and every couple days I review ebay and craigslist just to see if there is anything I should want.......(didn't know I wanted it until I saw it syndrome). I also go out and check the yard each morning for anything new that showed up during the night.

-Pete, in Tacoma WA USA

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Hmmm. Up by 9, take a pill. Read email and VR. Eat breakfast. Play video game. Suck coffee. Ignore wife! Take a crap and take more pills. Finally get dressed and get mail! Decide what honey do project will get started today. Eat lunch. Work around the house. Eat dinner. Watch TV. Take still more pills and go to bed after the 11:00 news...

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I'm retired on disability so my day starts when da hubby gets up for work then I check my schedule to see if I have doc appts. (This week I had one every day including today) If I don't have appts the housework gets done. Somewhere in there I eat and sip my water. (Practice for my gastric bypass surgery in Oct.) I read the forums and check ebay for parts for the bike and caprice. I stay busy and not busy for now. Soon though I'm house hunting again as our roommate plans to sell the house soon....wish us luck.

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Living the "Good Life". I stay very busy and I set my own hours each week. I've had many job offers to go back to the work force, but decided years ago I would not get back into any law enforcement or political crap again. I do car and truck detailing which I really enjoy. So far just in the past two weeks I've done three and got two more next week scheduled. Life is Good! http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/12/e7y6y9yz.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/12/e3uzyza3.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/12/hu8u7ary.jpg

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HUH??? DO WHAT???WHEN?? Not happening!!!

Huh,,, I always pictured you working at watchin the warden work,, that can be down right exhausting watching someone else work... Oh well,, I must have confused you with someone else..:confused24::stirthepot:

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Well the first bonus is waking up! Then have coffee with my sweety. Some days we go for a round of golf. She works from 1-9 so we have to be done by 1230. Take her to work or home so she can pick up her bike. After that its a free day. My honey do list is 3 years old and for some reason not getting smaller! Thank goodness I have her,because another woman would have killed me by now! :-)


Oh ya, I also do most of the same stuff bongobob does too!

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Man! You folks aren't really making a super strong case for retirement. Aside from the one photo of the boat on the lake, the rest of it sounds kinda monotenous. Maybe I'm building up the thought of the grand retirement life way too big in my head. It appears by the looks of your posts, it's a lot of doing the same stuff we do before retirement, except without a work schedule.


Am I right?

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Unfortunately, I have a long way to retirement, but I picture doing what puc does now. Point the bike in a direction and stop wherever & set up camp. Maps? Waste of paper. Go whenever I want, any time, any day, any month of the year. That's what I picture my retirement being.



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I get a vacation at least once a month. Already since retirement started I've been on e 7 day cruise and Myrtle Beach bike week. Getting ready to head to Tennessee in a few days for a week, and couple weeks later I'll be at the VR Asheville rally. Haven't got my week planned for September but I'm sure it will involve salt sand and sea water. And I just retired February 28th.


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You know Skid that's what I would be doing if it weren't for the fact that the better half has to look after her mother. :bang head: The better half keeps saying I can go on these trips if I want, but I just can't justify leaving her behind while I take off and have a good time!!!:whistling: :group cheers:

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Guest HdHtr

I got really good at retiring ... retired 3 times before I got it right. Up around 6, let the dawgs out, cat in. Make coffee, let the dawgs in, cat out. Ride, fish, honeydoo's, grandkids. My wifeypoo of 45 years keeps me busy and doesn't let me get away with too much. Usually hit the sack around 11 PM and 5 to 7 days a week we find time for a nap. Really like naps.


So I keep busy. But not too busy. There is always time for a ride somewhere and down here in NC where I live there are lots of nice roads to spend a couple of hours or more a day heading out and coming back in.

I like retirement.



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Retired at 59. Loved the job, loved the people I worked with. hated the dysfunctional company I worked for. Took a cut in retirement pay just to get out. Bonus...I have had a 2% raise every year while those who are still working got nothing. Not good but that is the market place. I looked at the alarm clock and threw it away. I now do whatever I want, with SHMBO's permission, Hot rod shows, bike runs,rod and gun club, I am Santa in our local bike toy run. I have been retired 12 years and have never been so busy.:cool10:

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Well, we do have down time between adventures. Don't believe in digging into savings to pay for playtime. So we space out our family visits, ocean cruises, motorcycle trips, etc. When not traveling, we improve our house, fix our trike, visit our doctors, etc. Nearly every day, I take a couple hour afternoon siesta.

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