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Been hot and humid here the past several days with threats of thunderstorms/severe weather. On the ride home from work today it started raining and was a pretty steady drizzle. I don't mind riding in the rain and was taking it relatively easy.


Kitchener has this thing for traffic circles and we have two on my way home. First circle wasn't an issue. Second one...


So... I'm approaching the circle and slowing down, using the engine to decelerate. Three vehicles in the circle and could tell the first two were going to go thru and exit to my right so I start to brake, expecting to come to a stop before entering the circle.


Funny how things suddenly go in slow motion.


As I start to brake, the rear locks up and starts to slide. The bike started to tilt to the right so I let off on the rear and the bike straightened up. Made sure I was going straight and not continuing my turn into the circle and applied the brakes again. Because I was more to the left than I would normally be, I was coming thru dirt/gravel the rear locked up again.


Knowing that the bike was upright and the rear was locked I started looking for my exit. I knew that the first two cars were coming thru the intersection so my first thought was could I accelerate and pass between them or go thru after the second car. Playing that in my mind, the first car came to a stop right in front of me. Letting off the brake and navigating the turn wasn't going to be an option. It's front tire was directly in my path.


Knowing the car was stopped and still in the skid, I applied more front brake. Surprisingly by this time I was thru the gravel and the front wheel caught traction. Knowing that a front wheel lock could take me down I prepared myself for a possible low side and sliding into the car.


The bike started to lean to the left so I put my left foot down, just as the bike came to a sudden stop about 8' from the stopped car. With the angle of the bike I gave a faint effort to keep it from going down but realizing I wasn't going to stop it from going over, I let it go. Went over as far as the highway peg and stopped. Still on the bike I tried to stand it up but it wasn't going to budge.


Turned off the engine with the key, disconnected my headset, and dismounted the bike.


Even though it only took 5 seconds or so to happen, it seemed to take as long as it has taken you to read to this point.


The car that had been right in front of me continued their journey. The car behind them exited and stopped. The third vehicle was going straight thru but they stopped at the exit from the circle and thru the window asked if I needed help. I said sure and then decided this way my chance to see if I could stand it up myself. By he time the driver approached me I had used the technique and had the bike up right and on the side stand.


Thanked the driver for stopping, did a quick check for damage, got on, hooked up the headset, started the bike, checked that no one was coming up behind me, and continued on my way home.


Checked when I got home and no damage or scrapes on the bike. Somehow I managed to bruise my lower right leg so bit sore there...even though the bike went to the left...but all in all in one piece.


Rather than having to send in $5 I think I should receive $5 for the way I dealt with it. If anyone wants my email address, let me know.




Thanks !


I've wanted to see if I could stand the bike up on my own but was always afraid to lean it over. this wasn't the way I wanted to lean it over...but it worked.


BTW...thank you to Larry (Carbon One) for producing the engine guard brace. I put mine on a year or so ago and think this helped prevent the engine guard from bending. Pretty sure by the time the highway peg touched the ground I was at a full stop but glad I have the brace.


I think the 5 dollars is dropping it in a parking lot or doing something stupid and dropping it. you had a good reason to lay it down.




Glad your ok, I think a few of us have had a chance to try picking up our bikes on our own after unfortunate incidents on the road.


Best of all is nothing serious happened, hopefully the sore leg will feel better soon.




$5.00 bucks is a oops in a parking lot, $2.50 is trying to get off the bike and your foot gets caught on the seat and you fall on your arse

But not this


We're glad your safe my friend


Glad you came through that OK, Don!


But I would like to have an answer to his question. Where do I send the $5 to? Since I dropped my VR in Pine trying to walk it out of a driveway ditch...sigh.


Embarrassed but I learned never to do that again!



And all the miles we put on this weekend with not even a thought of having an issue. No road snakes to worry over, sand on Southdown road, gravel in the corners, rain on the twisties,,,, yep,, I think I got all of that licked,,, now I just have to remember what I did to make that happen.

Glad you are ok,,, even easy ones like that, can cause nasty results. Maybe you could come out some Wednesday night and show us how exactly that was all done, so we all can understand.


The "donation" for a dropped bike goes to the Special Activities Fund. If you are using Paypal send it CFAS4U@Charter.net.


If you prefer some other method of payment, send me a PM and I will give you an address to use,




Have to agree with you Don, your story is a $5.00 one. The outcome of your misadventure is worth a hole bunch more.


So glad that you and your bike are fine... thks for posting so they rest of us can read and file it away in case we are ever in a similar circumstance we have some extra knowlwdge to help out.



Have to agree with you Don, your story is a $5.00 one. The outcome of your misadventure is worth a hole bunch more.


Do you want my paypal address ? :-)


So glad that you and your bike are fine... thks for posting so they rest of us can read and file it away in case we are ever in a similar circumstance we have some extra knowlwdge to help out.




I look at it the same way. When I hear about a bike accident I look to see what the cause was. When I'm riding if I "miss" something I keep it in mind so I don't make the same mistake again.


Great write-up! You oughta get paid for contributing that one. It was educational.

That's the first one I've heard in a long time that actually had me developing a video of the events in my mind.

Won't forget it for awhile.

...That's the first one I've heard in a long time that actually had me developing a video of the events in my mind.

Won't forget it for awhile.


I had a close call two years ago that was another one of those "time in slow motion" incidents....http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=71554


Being near mid season... we all need to make sure we are attentive, cautious, aware, and careful.

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