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Do you remember where you got these about 3 years ago? :D

I got two back then, still using them , however one of them the top

fell apart. so I was trying to look for the same type and just order

one just for the screw on cap, I like the push down lock option in the cap.

They also hold the ice for a long time in them.






First of all, I've had a couple of those caps come apart and have always been able to just snap them back together. Have you tried that?


On the bottom of the mug is the name of the manufacturer. JoMo or something like that. Do a Google search for that and you should find it.


Here is a link on Amazon.


[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Highwave-Original-Ultimate-Travel-Mug/dp/B000K7MOFM/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1403958735&sr=8-7&keywords=joemo+mug]Amazon.com - Highwave Original Ultimate Travel Mug - Joe Moe Coffee Mug Replacement Top@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Q7YKNZ-%2BL.@@AMEPARAM@@41Q7YKNZ-%2BL[/ame]


The mug is made by a company named Highwave. They list a replacement top at $4.00 but show it to be out of stock.


Yea, but it says "out of stock". :( I still think it will go back together. Just rotate it until it seems to be in the right place and then put a fair amount of pressure on it. I've done it several times.


I would but that part on the one has disappeared a while back

think the wife tossed it..... :confused07:

I will just order another cup with the lid. thanks for your help! :)

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