pmelah Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 can anyone tell me what would cause the pump to continuously run i just changed my fuel filter and now it wont run the pump is pumping and im not losing fuel anywhere im lost and thats my only means of transportation to work
Peder_y2k Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Pump has lost its prime. Disconnect line from carbs and direct open line into container, then turn on pump. With no flow resistance, fuel should begin flowing. Then you can refit the line to the carbs and they will refill and the pump will stop clicking. -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA
pmelah Posted May 27, 2014 Author Posted May 27, 2014 i took my little air pump and blew out both my lines to the tank and the carbs line to the carbs acted like it had a blockage in it but finly blew out the gas trapped in the line hooked up my main line and started pumping then connected all my lines to the carbs once all that was hooked up it sounded like a weak pump its been giving me problems the last week or so and i finally got the filter changed out guess i need to get a fuel pump if i can keep it running long enough but first to charge the battery
Marcarl Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 you might want to check to make sure that your petcock is set right or that there isn't a blockage at the tank you might also have kinked the line from the tank in your process of movement check your battery t make sure it's up to snuff or you might not get a full pump from each click of the pump
djh3 Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 When you need it. Here is a how to on the Mr Gasket fuel pump.
mralex714 Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 When you need it. Here is a how to on the Mr Gasket fuel pump. This one is pretty close to the stock first gen pump.
djh3 Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Looks like it might would work on a 2nd gen also. Although I would want to see one up close and personal before I jumped on it.
pmelah Posted May 27, 2014 Author Posted May 27, 2014 i got to look real clos at the fuel lines and im still loseing prime i cant see it but looks can be decieving so im just going to replace them from the carbs t the tank
M61A1MECH Posted May 28, 2014 Posted May 28, 2014 I am not familiar with a Gen 1, but one time when I pulled my fuel pump, some how when I reinstalled it I managed to get the fuel lines crossed so it was trying to pump fuel back into the tank instead of to the carbs, you know the bike will not start when you do that, just saying check the simple stuff first.
pmelah Posted May 29, 2014 Author Posted May 29, 2014 :rotf::rotf:steve i thought about that and had to and check then i realized i never took the line off going to the carbs i found dry rot hoses not a good thing got new hoses today but its raining so going to wait to put them on :whistling:
Prairiehammer Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 Paul, when you replaced the fuel filter, did you install a stock Yamaha filter or an aftermarket? Recently, another Venture owner replaced his fuel filter with something none stock and encountered fuel delivery issues. His problem was that he introduced a sharp kink in the fuel pump inlet hose as a result of the different fuel filter size and inlet location. Just sayin'.
pmelah Posted May 30, 2014 Author Posted May 30, 2014 i did the last time i changed it went to a napa i think its a 4007 i bought 2 of themi have had hard time starting the bike the last week or so having to prime the pump at last count was 10 times before she would fire and i never lat it get past the 1 bar on the guage so im figuring fuel lines i have some real spingee soft fuel lines on it so im chhangeing them out to new ones i hope that helps
dna9656 Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 Are we sure the pump is PUMPING and not running in reverse? THAT'S what would happenn to me...
jasonm. Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 there is a timer on the pump circuit. it's suppose to stop after 5 seconds. this is a safety thing in case the carb is leaking or line is bad. So far it sounds like you are jumping past the easy tests. I think you have a fuel pump relay or circuit issue. IT'S EASY TO TEST...REMOVE IN AND OUT lines on pump. Put the IN line in a cup of gas and see if it come out the out --upper hose....
pmelah Posted May 31, 2014 Author Posted May 31, 2014 its definatly getting air but also continues to pump it wont hold good pressure when i put a clear hose on the out line it will continue to pump when i hold my finger over the out hose and no gas is coming out take my finger off the end of the hose and she will pump gas out but not very strong
yamagrl Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 (edited) Paul, since the pump is pumping a weak flow when there is no resistance but nothing when you create resistance by putting your finger over the outlet then there is likely either a hole/damage in the diaphragm (I'm guessing this is a diaphragm type pump) or one of the "one way check valves" is damaged or stuck open, perhaps a piece of trash. a pump like this has only 4 main components: 1. motor or a device to power it 2. A device to move the fluid such as a diaphragm or piston 3. One-way inlet valve 4 One-way outlet valve I'm guessing the problem is a piece of trash in the inlet valve. Back flushing is not possible if the other components are functioning... but if you can create an in/out plunging action on the inlet then you may dislodge it. A large syringe such as for injecting cattle (avail at most feed stores) is what I would try. Otherwise, your best option is another fuel pump. I have no clue about the timer mentioned above but these kind of pumps are fairly simple and straight forward. I shouldn't be too hard to fix. If its sucking air then the diaphragm is likely the problem. Edited May 31, 2014 by yamagrl add info
frankd Posted June 1, 2014 Posted June 1, 2014 I also had a NAPA 4007 filter on my 89, and I had the filter element come loose from the filter body. This allowed all the garbage in the bottom of the filter body to work it's way into my carbs. and some of it collected on the needle and seats and this caused the bike to flood. After you solve your fuel pump problem, I suggest you replace the filter with a different P/N. Some other suggested filters are: Wix 3304 NAPA 3011 Purolator F 100 24 AutoZone FF3330 (luber-finer G478) (has a metal body) NAPA Gold 3007 (has a metal body) Frank D.
pmelah Posted June 2, 2014 Author Posted June 2, 2014 i have changed out my feul lines from the tank to the pump the new filter came apart so i sprayed the od filter with either and got a lot of junk pump now cuts off after 5 seconds but now im not getting fuel to the carbs well not enough fuel i also changed the plugs just in case the old ones were getting good spark as well as the new ones im at a lose it pumps fuel to the carbs i can only get 2 drain unscrewed and they have fuel coming out the other 2 wont budge i may need some carbs dont know it will run on either but i dont like using that stuff
yamagrl Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 I too had 2 carb drain screws that would not budge. I sprayed PB Blaster on them, let em sit for a while, then used a huge straight slot screwdriver and Thom and they finally broke loose. Sent from my moto X
dna9656 Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Sounds like some junk is in the way or blocking at the entrance at the float. What a drag...
djh3 Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 I can tell you that my small engines that dont get run for long periods of time (pressure washer and a portable generator) the carbs get some awful looking white crud in there. Almost looks like a calcium deposit.
pmelah Posted June 3, 2014 Author Posted June 3, 2014 my bike doesnt have a chance to sit its my only transportation at the moment a can of berrymans in the tank and cycling out the pump i let it set a day did it again the next day and a 3rd day started cranking in it it would almost start let it set for an hr and she finaly cranked and ran very rough then smothed out but at half throttle onlty turning at 12 rpm for 10 min then she died cycled the fuel pump 3 times anc cranked her up and she ran nicely good throttle response and she idled at 950 for 15 min noticed # 2 carb slide did not want to move tried to move by hand and was stuck not a good sign but she runs for now im hoping that will work out it did the last time that happened on # 2 carb starting to look for another set of carbs to rebuild to put on it
frankd Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Other Venturers have told you this, but you really need to check the fuel pump. To verify that it is the pump, I would take 2 new hoses and put them on the fuel pump. Then put them into a can of gas (DO THIS OUSIDE CLEAR OF EVERYTHING) turn on the key and rock the kill switch every 5 seconds to reset the fuel pump timer. Your pump should prime and pump gas. If it doesn't, replace the fuel pump. If it does, check the fuel pump screen and make sure it isn't clogged.
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