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. . . To A Tall Indian.

:snow:Can't believe the sudden change in weather. This time last week I was riding around Dayton looking at a few houses and enjoying the bike for the first time this year. Just 7 days later, we are buried in all this white stuff.

:snow:News has reported in excess of 600 fender benders of various servarity and even had I-70 shut down for a few hours Friday night due to a 4-wheeler and 18-wheeler mixing it up and dragging 3 or 4 more 18-wheelers into the arguement. No idea who started it, but I would have to guess the 4-wheeler.

:snow:Went out today for the first time to dig out the vehicle and see what is still buried. Not bad at all. Hope everyone else is doing well and not buried in one way or another. Ride hard, but keep it safe.:7_6_3[1]:


It seems that mother nature has waited until the end of winter to grace us with large amounts of snow.:sign isnt that spec I can only hope that the old adge " March comes in like a Lion and out like a lamb" holds true.:confused24::D

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