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Every thing is on hold. I'm not going to do anything until I get around tuit. Every hear that expression? I thought spring was here but every weekend it's more of that white partly cloudy. I have so many jobs backed up it's not funny. I got 19 locust post in the ground with 30 more to go. I should of had that job done by now but it's either rain or snow on the weekends. Seems like nice pretty days through the week and got to go work. We went yesterday in the snow and bought our electric entrance stuff for temp power at the camp over $500. That job is after the fire pit and the fence job. My 86 is still waiting to be parted out but the mud is so deep no way to get it on the center stand much less decent weather to start. Momamo has rose bushes and apple trees waiting in line. I hope retirement is not like this. I bet it would rain or snow 7 days a week.This week the boss said we was up for recertification so spending spare time study for an exam the end of the month. I just put my rocky gortex boots on going down to the camp to walk around and dream of better weather. Sorry guys looking at the clock every 30 minutes is getting old.I drunk a pot of coffee this morning 2:00 am studying for that exam. When this weather does break and I get caught up me and the 84 have some time coming.


It's for electronics. I took the fcc test 30 years ago but now our Motorola authorization is requiring a new ETA certificate. Some of that crap I forgot 30 years ago. You only retain what you use daily. Electronics is a very broad subject matter.


I'm all for early retirement but my bank account says I'm 1 million short. Back to work while all the neighbors set on there porch and get a check in the mail at taxpayers expense.


Well Froggy , if it means anything to you about retirement , everyone I have every spoken to that has retired is more busier now than when they worked .


Keep the job , it will keep you out of trouble !!!:rotf::rotf::rotf:


So study Hard .






Back to work while all the neighbors set on there porch and get a check in the mail at taxpayers expense.


It drives me crazy here. Its all you see retiries.

Am here I am busting my @zz driving all over to work at $3.29 a gal.:headache:


Im sure id save money if i didnt have to work :confused24:


then I could put more time into :fishin:

Guest TFD69

Yup.. I would give it all up, the big house, fancy car, bike, great job............:rotfl::rotfl: All for just a little bit more. :whistling:


When your young money is more important then time. When your older time is more important then money. I would give it all up and live the simple free life if it wasn't for that health care issue. I currently take no medications neither does my wife but you never know what you may need later. No help from the kids. These days kids turn 40 and still can't make it on there own.

Every thing is on hold. I'm not going to do anything until I get around tuit. Every hear that expression?

Forget about getting a round tuit FrogMan.

Slip down to the general store and see if they have any square tuits.

The trouble with a round tuits is you're never able to fit it neatly into a corner until such time as you need it.

Now, a square tuit on the other hand - that's a different matter.

So, if you never get around tuit you can use your square tuit. :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

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