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From one of AMA publications.


If you think distracted drivers are potentially dangerous, you're right. What's really scary is how many drivers are multi-tasking out there on the road. According to a recent survey from the industry group Network of Employers for Traffic Safety:

  • 10% of drivers have done work-related tasks while driving, either by reviewing notes, talking on the phone or using a computer.
  • 18% have applied makeup while driving.
  • 32% of drivers admit to having read while driving.
  • 39% have tended to children while driving.
  • 51% say they use a cellphone while driving.
  • 70% admit to eating while driving.

Once they crash how difficult is it to throw everything on the floor and tell the officer "It was an accident"


Be careful out there!


While I was driving reading the map on the steering wheel, putting on my sunscreen, screaming at the kids in the rear view mirror to quit fighting or I'll pull over, my cell phone rang in my coat pocket on the passengers seat, I reached over to answer it then I spilled hot coffee on my lap and to top it all off some biker is going to slow in the center lane ahead of me! The Nerve! Happens probably more than we think.:D


Well, I don't do any of those things while riding my scoot. Of course, I have been accused of noise polution. I was singing along with my CDs!


Actually I didn't mind the young lady putting on her panty hose that time or the other young lady that changed from a blouse to a sweater. I don't know how distracted they were but I certainly was. :173:


This is why I always, yeild the right of way to any cage driver

that wants it. !!


I'm not going to fight a battle that I can't win, when on a bike.

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