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Hey guys, I'm a new vrs owner and have seen people talk about maintenance days. That sounds like a great thing to do. Are there members in utah that would be interested in doing something like that. I'm new to this bike and would love to spend some time getting to know it with some help from folks that already do. Thx guys


Hi Ty and welcome to the site!! Glad you found us!! :thumbsup:

I cant for life of me remember if your "Trial Membership" allows you to access all the sections of the site,, but if it does there are some REALLY great reads that I might suggest in addition to your desire for the maintenance day, the Tech Library is AWESOME..

Keep your eyes open here during the season and you may very well be able to "lure" a couple of us cross country riders into camping near you and spending an evening sharing our knowledge with you,,, and gleaning some too of course... Be for warned though if you do,,, there are a few of these guys that once you get em yakking about spinning wrenches on a Venture it can be hard to get them to go away.:cool10::cool10:


Good luck on your search for an MD in your area,, someday I am gonna make one too!!


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