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Hate to start a new post on 2nd gear problems, but I just got my '86 Venture Royale project running and was testing it "around the shop", and it immediately jumps out of 2nd when shifting thru gears. I can skip 2nd and all other gears seem OK.


I have read all the posts on the 83-85 model problems, but thought the '86 on was fixed. Anyone else have this problem with a newer model?


I'm fairly new to the forum and use the tech info almost daily. Hope I can gain enough knowledge someday to contribute.


Thanks, Guys!


The earlier ones were weak, and prone to breaking. That doesn't mean they all did, just a lot of them.


The 86+ had the weakness corrected. That doesn't mean it can't break. Especially if it's been abused.


It could be rounded dogs on the gear set, bent shift fork, worn shift drum or something I didn't think of. You need to tear it down to know for sure.........


Pull the side cover off behind the stator cover and you'll know right away if those 2 cresent shaped washers are wore into the shaft. I've seen an 89 and a 92 have problems like the 1200's did.


Sent from my SPH-M930 using Tapatalk 2


So does it completely "pop" out of 2nd like it's in "neutral"?


When mine ('83) had the 2nd gear issue, it would pop out then back in then back out then back in then back out and so on. It would do this at a rapid pace making a horrible noise. If I was very light on the throttle it would stay in gear. Is this your issue?




Goes into second with a clunk, then with any throttle slips out into neutral. I also tried going thru the gears on the work stand and it will stay in second with light throttle, but rev it up and it pops into neutral. I think "slips" is a better word, because it doesn't make any noise.

1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th seem OK. I am going to check the pins on the shift shaft next week.


I hope this doesn't require an engine tear-down. I don't need a boat anchor!


Also, before I fixed my 83, you could hold the shift lever up while you used 2nd gear, and it would stay in gear. How many miles are on the bike?

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