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Going to OCC today

adventurer 08

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Just got home about 7:00 tonite. The drive home was nice, the ride going on Thursday was the Pits, there was a 40 car-semi pile up on the Ohio turnpike on Wednesday and they were still cleaning it up on Thursday, semi were wrecked everywhere. Had to sit still for over two hours. We got moving for about a half hour then sat for another hour for another truck that flipped on its side. Got to OCC on Friday, really nice showroom lots of nice bikes and a ton of t-shirts. We had lunch in there café, food was very good. Even the bun of my pulled pork sandwich had OCC branded in to it. If your in there aera its something to stop and see but I would not go to far out of your way or just stop in for lunch or dinner. I'll try to post pics tomorrow.

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Rough bunch,,, maybe Adverturer doesnt have a pass port,, or,, maybe he wears a beard like me and was afraid he would get mistook for Osama bin ladens brother and would end up at Guatanoma instead of OCC....

There Adventurer,, ol Pucster stook up for ya,,,, now you can post those pics in peace bro..:whistling:

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Rough bunch,,, maybe Adverturer doesnt have a pass port,, or,, maybe he wears a beard like me and was afraid he would get mistook for Osama bin ladens brother and would end up at Guatanoma instead of OCC....

There Adventurer,, ol Pucster stook up for ya,,,, now you can post those pics in peace bro..:whistling:


If he's like me, I'm not welcome in Canada because of what I wear on my hip. So... it's always the long way around.:confused24:

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If he's like me, I'm not welcome in Canada because of what I wear on my hip. So... it's always the long way around.:confused24:


I hear dat Ragtop, many years ago (way before 9/11) pulled up to Customs in the motorhome. Wife, kids and I headed to this kiddy place called "Story Book Gardens" (if my memory serves me right).. Border guy asks if I have any guns, I said of course I do - I'm an American.. He says, whats it for? I said, got a wife and 4 little kids to protect.. He says, if you would have said for "hunting" I would let you in but now I gotta ask you to either leave it here/pick it up on the way out or you wont be able to pass.. I said fine,,, I will stay in the U.S., keep my gun in my closet, cash in my wallet,, will take the kids to Cedar Point instead..

He says,, if you promise to keep the gun in the closet you can pass,, I said as long as I dont need it I promise it will never leave the closet.. He let us pass :rotf::rotf:

My oh my how times have changed.....:no-no-no:

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