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looking at putting a cd changer on an rsv, my question is, is it controlled through the radio and can you switch cd's? or does it automatically play through all of them? thanks.


If you'll be using the original model, then yes, it is controlled via the same controller that runs the radio too. Also, yes, you can change discs while riding -- it's all explained in your (the owner's) manual.


Mounted mine in the trunk. Yes it is controlled by the riders radio control. The built in unit on the bike will immediately recognize it as soon as you plug it in.






You can toggle through any of the CDs and songs. I like mine a lot - but it's only as good as the road you're on. It doesn't like bumps. You may want to consider something solid state (mp3, iPod). I have yet to look into it, but I'm sure someone can weigh in here.


I know others like the MP3 and iPod, which I do have an MP3. However, I for one really like my CD player as I can burn mixed tunes and shuffle and just have a grand ole time. I wouldn't want to be without one.


Jet if you got one for cheap I'd say go for it. If its going to cost you say $150 or so I would look into the I-simple deal that uses the same connection. I'm not an apple fan, matter of fact the only apple I got is in the fridge. But as for music its probably the best way to go. The CD is nice, but as mentioned it does skip a bit on bumps. It also is a storage hog. If you are going on long trips and need space it eats the entire left side bag just about. If my wife and I go on a long trip I have to take it out so I can get 2 pairs of rain gear in the left bag. There is an MP3 player made by someone 3rd hand that will plug in and work off the control on the hadle bars


Yea thats the deal. I understand it typicaly goes in the left saddlebag where the CD was. But draw back to it is something abou tit has to be turned on at the unit and turned off again when parking like overnight. Something about the way its powered. I dont think its very big so room is not killed. I dont see any reason you couldnt mount in trunk like some have the CD. To me if the MP3 was in the trunk it would be less hassel to turn on and off. Do a search for that unit and you will run across what I'm talking about.

Where do you mount this? Trunk or side bag? The CD just took too much space.


The website says "You can plug in the cassette deck or directly to the amplifier" so I'm guessing you can place it where you had the CD. It specifically says that you don't need the CD player. It's independently plug and play.


I've also heard of power issues. When you power down, you lose memory. It goes back to the beginning of the playlist. The CD picks up where you left off. That's a feature I'd like to have.


ive got a satellite radio in my 87 and I mounted in the trunk. I was going to do the same on my rsv, but I don't like changing the channels every half hour. and I don't like clutter and wires and stuff hanging off my dash so I was wondering which way would be the best route. does anybody have one of those mp3 gizmos??

Where do you mount this? Trunk or side bag? The CD just took too much space.


Put mine in trunk on right side mounted with Velcro...as for power issue .yes it does draw but if left overnight no problem..micro switch on cable is not hard to shut off..you go in trunk to put gloves etc away..just shut it off..you have to format storage media as instructions ..no shuffle availability..what I did was arrange mp3 by song title ..good shuffle....SD card and usb


I've had one for quite a while now and won't go back to either the cd or the mp3 player. I can't imagine not having it on the bike. I installed a relay on mine in place of the switch so it comes on and goes off with the ignition. I think altogether it will hold 594 songs on six channels like the cd player. I put different kinds of music on each channel so if I want to hear something different I just use the handlebar control. Radio still works normally as well as cb. Mounted in the trunk, it's out of sight and as secure as can be. Venturemp3 works for me! Uses a 4 gb sd card that is easy to update with new or different music. Pull it out and put in another card with a capacity of another 594 songs.


@ 3564 songs I'm not sure I can afford that much music. LOL Actually I would have about 2 4gb cards maybe. I gues you could sort of "shuffle" the music as you load on the card. That would be the only way to mix it up right? If you just load say the Chiacgo cd then Lynard Skynard then Alman Brothers thats the way it plays them, in that order?

Posted (edited)

It plays anyway you load it. It only holds 594 songs total per card. I play country on a couple of channels, old pop on a couple , and just mix upon a couple.

Edited by Kirby

The iPod plugs into the iSimple, the iSimple plugs into the C-Bus (i.e. round DIN-13 connector at the end of the cable that went to the CD changer in earlier models). Yes, it is controlled via the handlebar controller in the same way as the VentureMP3: by simulating 6 CDs' worth of music. The instructions come with the iSimple box, if I remember correctly, you create six playlists in iTunes with "magic" names (like CD1, CD2 etc.) and the iSimple presents the contents of those playlists as the would-be CDs in the changer.

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