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Venturous Randy

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Yeah, I watched that the other day, interesting in deed, there are so many ways that we have screwed up this planet doing something that was deemed OK at the time. I know there is a lot of controversy on reintroduction of wolves, but they were here before we were and they serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things.

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They have also reintroduced the wolf to Wisconsin. I have not noticed any other animals increase in number. What I have noticed is the deer population is nearly gone, so now the farmers are loosing a lot of livestock to wolves. The wolf population in WI has exploded and gone from the endangered species list directly to a wolf hunting season because the wolf population is way above what is believed to be sustainable.


The wolves are also coming into residential areas to grab pets. I worry about young children and elderly walkers. I could hold my own against them, but I know how, most people do not have that knowledge or ability especially kids.

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Illinois deer heard has been vastly reduced, first coyote's and coy dogs everywhere ( I take them every chance I get and coy dogs are the most dangerous ) but where you might see one in a hunting weekend, nothing to see 20. We were at a meeting about 20 years ago where the state denied putting wolves back in the national forest, we had actually seen one. DNR and the Forest Service denied putting wolves in the Shawnee. Farmers said that since they weren't wolves they could kill them and the Forest Service guy , who denied putting them there, cautioned the audience against shooting the wolves.


Evolution and natural selection took care of them once for a reason.

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Yeah, I watched that the other day, interesting in deed, there are so many ways that we have screwed up this planet doing something that was deemed OK at the time. I know there is a lot of controversy on reintroduction of wolves, but they were here before we were and they serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things.


Theres a reason why they were almost eradicated from Idaho, and the reintroduction of a species that is not indigenous to Idaho was just some liberals way of forcing his beliefs on to those who didn't want them here. Just wrong! And if you like them so much how about we introduce them into your state and let them run wild uncontrolled out your back door while your kids or grand kids are playing!

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Oh So now I can go tour through Illinois and not have so much to worry about too many Deer? http://www.bankrate.com/finance/auto/deer-crashes-auto-insurance.aspx


We had a tough bow year, gun season our party of 6 only took 2, we usually harvest about 10.


Muzzleloader took 1 small doe


Now a very tough winter. Biologists at DNR have been reexamining the numbers

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Theres a reason why they were almost eradicated from Idaho, and the reintroduction of a species that is not indigenous to Idaho was just some liberals way of forcing his beliefs on to those who didn't want them here. Just wrong! And if you like them so much how about we introduce them into your state and let them run wild uncontrolled out your back door while your kids or grand kids are playing!


I actually believe they want to reduce hunting and this is their way to limit it.

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I actually believe they want to reduce hunting and this is their way to limit it.

Yes that and taking all the ammunition away by buying it all up for who, the irs and homeland security? Are you kidding me, millions of rounds for these organizations. Check it out you'll see I'm right.

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Yes that and taking all the ammunition away by buying it all up for who, the irs and homeland security? Are you kidding me, millions of rounds for these organizations. Check it out you'll see I'm right.
Since when does theses agencies need guns?????, let's not forget the EPA and every other agency this clown has desired to arm. And nobody has the codds to stop this crap. Welcome to the new America and I hope I am politely correct, and yes I do have skin in the game. I'm a Vet, Jim
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Look up warren and youngstown ohio. The drug thugs from Detroit come here and kill more of our children than any snakes , bears, wolves or insects. Yet...we still let them play outside. The point of the video is there is hidden benefits since the introduction of wolves back into yellowstone. Cant argue that . No childrens deaths related to them are coming up on a Google. Now google deaths in youngstown and warren ohio.

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Worst thing that ever happened were shows like Yogie Bear, giving human like charistics to an animal. We have a couple generations that still do not understand that wild animals are just that wild. We are near the top of the food chain but not at the top. A cougar, a wolf . . . see a human as a meal, while a bunch of people see them as cute pets. I have been a diver since the 1970's and I hear people talk about shark attacks like the shark mistook the human for a seal. No the shark saw the human as a meal. Animals are about living smarter, if they find easy meals they will come back for more, we are part of the food chain no matter how we rationalize it, that is the circle of life.


I don't think we should eradicate any animal because of inconvenience because nature fills voids. In this case though the human competes for the same food the wolf does and in those areas there can only be one winner. A huge area of the US is uninhabited (94.6%) and yet some genius want's to put the competition next to a competitor. I do believe this is being done as a end run to try to stop or put an end to hunting.


The same people who want to shove evolution down our throats ignore their teachings. We should treat our fellow animals with respect within reason and sometimes that means not putting them in harms way.

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