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Hopefully some one can help with this. I recently had a screw break on my bag rail guards and I need to replace the part so that I dont have to order another full bag rail package. I need the screw and the two fittings that attach the bag rail to the side crash guard. I will pay for the part if needed ans will of coursse pay for any shipping cost. If anyone can help just please PM me.


Thanks everyone



The screw should be available at better hardware stores or Fastenall store. The broken stud can be removed with an easy out. Have a machinist friend help you out with that...


Jburrel. Search eBay. Seems I saw somebody selling those at a decent price. They caught my attention because I was needing the same as you a couple of years ago. That bolt will be a tough one to find. The head is special in order fit in the recess. I ended up getting mine from the Yamaha/star booth at Sturgis at no charge.


You can buy just the hardware kit on eBay. Item 171245522259 I think. $22 + 5 shipping. I lost one of mine so bought the kit and parts were fine. Plan on keeping spare for when I loose the next one.

Good luck with it

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