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Today we were in the 60's nice and sunny. Tomorrow we will be in the 20's and getting snow. Oh and it's not just gonna be a little snow, we'll get upwards of 9" with the possibilities of a foot. A FOOT of snow down here. They actually have snow plows in the area now, not sure how many. Of course one is more then we usually have. They've been brining the roads all day.Last week we had about 3" no big deal.OH and we'll be back up to the 60's by the weekend. Talk about some crazy weather.My yard will be a swamp again. Jeff won't be able to go out with his crutches without sinking. He won't be able to use the knee scooter at all it'll sink.


When is spring coming? Anyone know? I think we need to find whoever it was that pissed off mother nature and everyone take a whack.


Oh Riderduke Jeff is talking about heading up to your house since you all won't be getting any of this. Imagine that we'll have more snow this winter then you got.


Ok I'm done.



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Today we were in the 60's nice and sunny. Tomorrow we will be in the 20's and getting snow. Oh and it's not just gonna be a little snow, we'll get upwards of 9" with the possibilities of a foot. A FOOT of snow down here. They actually have snow plows in the area now, not sure how many. Of course one is more then we usually have. They've been brining the roads all day.Last week we had about 3" no big deal.OH and we'll be back up to the 60's by the weekend. Talk about some crazy weather.My yard will be a swamp again. Jeff won't be able to go out with his crutches without sinking. He won't be able to use the knee scooter at all it'll sink.


When is spring coming? Anyone know? I think we need to find whoever it was that pissed off mother nature and everyone take a whack.


Oh Riderduke Jeff is talking about heading up to your house since you all won't be getting any of this. Imagine that we'll have more snow this winter then you got.


Ok I'm done.




That a girl Mini,, let it out :crying:,, like Tippy keeps telling me in her very special kindergarten teachers voice (Kindergarten was her profession) "winter dont last for ever Bambi" (makes me mad when she does though)....

Gotta agree with ya though,, who in the sam hill ticked off mother nature?:stickpoke:


We literally have just under 4 feet of snow on our deck!!! And the deck over looks the entrance to our basement where my shop is at, and the shop is my man cave,, and I bet when this thaws my man cave is gonna become my swimming pool :scubadive:, and than I am gonna have to spend my riding time bailing water instead of riding and then I am gonna really be ticked....


Ok, I am done too...

Good thread,, thanks, I needed that,, phew


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This has been the 17th coldest first half of winter since they started keeping records back in the mid 1800s.

Tomorrow morning we are supposed to be -17 with wind chill of -45. But we have a heat wave coming for Thursday, we might even get into the 20s. All heat waves this tine of year have snow attached.......


I'll be sure to send this on south and east as soon as I'm done with it.

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Send it to California. They are having the worst drought ever.


No snow predicted for us, but temps are going way down. It was in the 60s here on Sunday. Gorgeous day. Right now temp is 12 and falling. Wind chill will make it negative temps.


I also grew up in the north, Michigan. Moved south to get away from the snow / cold. Thinking I need to pack it in and move farther south...maybe the Bahamas..whaddya think?

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Ok Annie sends us half her heat and we all send the snow to CA so they can end their drought.

Unfortunately not gonna happen.


Hey :) we can whine here we don't have much in the way of snow removal equipment like up north. But the stuff will be melting by the weekend when we go back up to the 60's. Just hoping the snow amount slacks off and we get less then they are saying. Haven't had near this much since the big snow around Christmas back in 2011. We drove home from NY in that one. That was a pain.



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Oh Riderduke Jeff is talking about heading up to your house since you all won't be getting any of this. Imagine that we'll have more snow this winter then you got.


Ok I'm done.




LOL....... yup we are going to escape this one......Come on up..... unless Jeff is grumpy:whistling::rotf::rotf:

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Hence I don't live in Southeast Idaho. :) We did get a bit of good news (it's all relative though) Looks like the foot of snow may end up a bit north of us (though they still aren't sure) Only looking at 10". Just started snowing here not gonna stop till tomorrow. Schools are closed tomorrow. Won't take too long to melt since we'll warm back up thsi weekend. Heck they are saying possible rain early next week. Everyone around here is just treating it like a cold version of a hurricane. Got gas for the generator.



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Looks like it finally has stopped. I'm guessing that it looks like we may have about 6" we did get some sleet too unfortunately. I cleaned off the porch already and swept the door (it's a bit blowy) but looks like I can get this place cleaned up some. Jeff already headed onto the porch (I knew he would) to check it out. Glad we didn't get the foot they threatened us with. Should be pretty cleared up by friday. They are saying to stay off the roads, but we all know folks will head out as soon as the sun starts shinning. Just hoping they actually use the dang plows around here Gov declared a state of emergency hopefully that means they sent us some plows from the western part of the state.


Ok the official is almost 7" in Hertford we got a bit more then that. Watching the video from VA I don't know who teaches there DOT how to plow but they need a better method. Those roads look terrible. When we went to Greensboro last week after the snow here (we left at like 6:30am 64 looked almost like it hadn't snowed.


Oh well. Here's to spring coming some day. Ground hog day is coming sunday.



Edited by mini-muffin
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