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prayer's for our grandson

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Thanks to our extended family here at VR for your prayers and well wish's. The Doctor did not have to do as much work as they thought they would. No valve replacement and no pacemaker. Just a new gasket and valve adjustment....Heck I could have done that. Seriously now, I have know idea what they did, cause I don't understand all that medical stuff, Just glad he is good to go for a few more years. The doctor did say he got some good picture's while he was in there. And my son got some really good video of Jeremiah right after they gave him his happy juice. Really funny stuff.


Thanks again,

Bob and Robin

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Just a quick update on Jeremiah. Drs. say he is doing really good and may come home on Monday. Still has 1 drainage tube in but hopefully that will come out soon. The hospital is being extra cautious with visitors due to the flu season so he remains in the PICU. He keeps asking for a cheeseburger and as soon as I can smuggle him in one I will (as long as the doc says its ok). That's about it for now. Thanks for all of your prayer and good wishes.

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