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Winter project for remote marker light control

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OK. Got another project burning in my head. I moved out to a rather remote area last August. Raised an interesting problem. Finding my bike at night.


I've traveled enough to know how dark night can be sometimed but usually on the bike or right next to it the darkest situations. Out here i have to park the bike about 50 ft away from the house next to the garage and camper.


Once i close the door to the house i can't even see the driveway on a moonless or cloudy night. Better have a flashlight in hand if i want to get to the bike.


So as all my marker, parking lights, running lights and driving lights are all wired on separate harnesses and switches IM looking for a game plan to hook up a remote control switch (key fob style or at least pocket size) i could tie into my lighting controls to activate a relay from a distance to turn on (or off) my choice of lights so i can find the danged thing.


I leave all my makers on when i get in late at night and it looks like a UFO out back until i get done getting stuff inside.


Just looking suggestions on what kinda parts I'd need to set this up. All i have right now is solder, wire and an idea.


Not afraid of the dark. Its just a long walk when you cant see your hand in front of your face. Better than dragging around a flashlight in my pocket all the time.


Open to suggestions. Thanks


From my Droid wherever I may happen to be at any given moment.

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I have a anti theft device that has a remote, ive never installed it, its new, but think it will chirp the horn by clicking the handheld device. I would think you should be able to wire an led to the horn to flash when the horn sounds.

I can send it down to you, no charge. i dont know what the range of the handhelds is but if you think it would work for you, its yours.


(it may need batteries in the handheld units, as ive had in my storage area for about 4 years)


Edited by friesman
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I agree with Jeff, especially if your garage already has electricity. I have a motion sensor on my garage and it is nice to have it turn on as I am getting close and I don't have to worry about turning it off. It has been out there for probably 20+ years and I think I have changed the bulbs a couple of times.


Edited by Venturous Randy
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Agreed on the motion sensor lights.


I have them on 2 sconces by the front and back doors, and 3 on the driveway side of the house. Halogen bulbs sure do light up the night. Also great for the winter months when my wife gets home from work after dark.


Also, range is great. The side lights show a path to my shed in the back yard about 80 feet away.

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