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MICHIGAN POWER BALL, December 25, 2013


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So, here's the deal.. A riding buddy and his wife stopped by on their way out of town a fews days ago.. Gave Tippy and I a couple instant lottery tickets for Christmas, WE WON $3 - YEEE HAWWW!! Now, we dont usually play the lottery but, we decided to take our winnings and buy a Michigan Power Ball ticket. I figured that with a drawing date of Christmas day, we had an additional chance of winning the 30 some millions of dollars..

Tippy and I talked about what we were gonna do with all the money.. Gonna give 200 thou to the attendant, 1 million each to the kids, 1 million each to our parents, 1 million to charity, 1 million the neighbors who bought the first tickets for us, donate 10 brand new bikes to Don for a Venture Rider drawing of his choice and than spend all of next summer meeting new faces from Venture Rider...

Well,, bad news,, we didnt win squat,, I guess you guys are gonna be stuck with your old bikes,, hey - we tried,, oh well,, its the thought that counts right..http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/confused24.gif

About the only thing this doesn't affect is our plans for next summer, aint getting rid of me that easy http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/rotf.gifhttp://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/rotf.gifhttp://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/rotf.gif

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I pay the same three sets of numbers every time it rolls. Got over 10 yrs in them. The thing owes me. It would be PARTY time. And time to buy a few 1st Gens!!:whistling:


Now see ladies and gentleman, THERE'S a man who knows how to invest!! Plus ol Yammer has a really good start on his porfolio - low risk, high yeild and reinvesting on his profitabilty!! All he has to do is control the throttle and he will probably never end up living with Bernie.. :080402gudl_prv:

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Well if we won the Lotto, guess where I would go??????:big-grin-emoticon:


You and the Hubby would throw the biggest, baddest, funnest, longest, greatest, touringest, Harley Trikingest, kangaroo jumpingest, swagingest party that the USA has ever seen from a couple of fun loven Aussie bikers!! Believe me Annie, I KNOW where you would go!! :cool10::cool10::cool10:

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When Power Ball came to SC years ago, me and my two department coworkers made a pact that if one of us won, we would make sure the other two were well taken care of.

Mentioned if several times over the years.


Later, before they retired they both told me,, "actually, never bought a ticket in my life!" What the,,,,,,,

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I was a member of a group buying lottery tickets (LONG time ago!)

never won much except free tickets or a few bucks which was re-invested.


Then we won 5,000


The guy running it said "oh my wife bought the wrong numbers this week"


I told him to show us the tickets...never did.


$5000....and loss of 9 friends.


Gotta wonder if he felt it was worth it.

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