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the military retiree's another "Bendover" award.

Because military retiree's are receiving soooo much money, and most took other jobs after retirement we can expect a 1% reduction in our COLA.

More awards to follow...

Don't forget to thank your federal legislators......

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Yea I heard this last night. This just totally sucks. So many other places they could've cut, but noooo, the vets are getting too much! When is America gonna wake up?


Don't forget the IRS got to keep 10 Billion dollars for illegals so I now know where those of us that served stand in the order of things.


I looked this morning and at least all of my elected officals voted against it.


They gotta pay for that $680,000,000 healthcare web site somehow. We wouldn't want to deprive our senate and congress of their well deserved pay raises :mo money:, after all they've done such a fine job over the last few years.


Hope you remember all of this come November...


Some people have short memories....




Two term limits for our congressman and senators... (was never intended to be a career)


Re-instate Draft: everyone must serve like in Israel... (we're gonna need it as no one is going to stay in)







Hope you remember all of this come November...


Some people have short memories....




Two term limits for our congressman and senators... (was never intended to be a career)


Re-instate Draft: everyone must serve like in Israel... (we're gonna need it as no one is going to stay in)








Sounds like good ideas to me.




But it is a bunch of bull. Everyone do not forget.:whistling::D


Hmm spent some time trying to figure out how to see how these jack a$$ voted and I cant figure it out. Shurly they wouldnt want it easy huh? I did my 20yrs. Retired with what I thought was a writen contract. Guess I'll just lokk at like those 3 biggest lies I allways heard about. I'll love you in the morning, the check is in the mail and I wont..........


Research this stuff people!


Don't just read an email someone sent you, look it up for yourself. Here, I did the tuff stuff for you:




This effects 20 year people who retire from military at say 40 and only until they reach 62. So as a taxpayer I have to pay this guys pension for 25 years, five years longer than they actually worked, BEFORE they are old enough to collect Social Security? Do away with that altogether!


I got no sympathy for people who get a full gubberment (taxpayer) sponsored pension before 62. The rest of us have to keep working till at least 65 for a full pension or for AT LEAST 30 years, what gives?

Research this stuff people!


Don't just read an email someone sent you, look it up for yourself. Here, I did the tuff stuff for you:




This effects 20 year people who retire from military at say 40 and only until they reach 62. So as a taxpayer I have to pay this guys pension for 25 years, five years longer than they actually worked, BEFORE they are old enough to collect Social Security? Do away with that altogether!


I got no sympathy for people who get a full gubberment (taxpayer) sponsored pension before 62. The rest of us have to keep working till at least 65 for a full pension or for AT LEAST 30 years, what gives?



If you want to really know the truth there is no such thing as a 20 year military retirement you can leave the military at 20 with retainer but you do not retire until 30 years.


I believe most people on here are aware of the terms of military retirement and for that retirement the ones that make it to that point have had the luxury of being shot at, spending years away from their families, taking cold showers or none at all, eating MREs or none at all, missing their kids grow up, spending days awake because they don't know if that low hanging cloud is dust from a wind storm or nerve gas, being awaken in the middle of the night by a mortar attack, standing watch in all kind of conditions and more horror and sacrific than most will ever know, I forgot to mention a good portion of retirees never live past their first year of retirement.



Even without the things mentioned above I believe the single fact that these men and women served our country for a good protion of their lives and were willing to sacrifice those lives for the good of this country deserve the small of retirement they get.


A military memebr does not serve for the money they serve for their country and I know this must be true because why would

anyone work in a job that paid half or less of what they would make in the civilian world?


I do not hold your comments against you but do me a favor research the things I have said and if after that you still think the way you do so be it you have that right and the right to speak it thanks to those that served.


I forgot I did read the article in the link and for the most part the facts are there but not all of them are correct. One thing I do like is the idea of a retirment for all veterans as long as it does not give any of them the shaft. It is true most of us can absorb a 1% loss and I would be all for it if other programs that support those that are here illegally or just have no desire to work and can don't were cut first. In addition Flag officers have a tendency to forget where they came from when it comes to these kind of issues.


If one takes the time to research the Roman Empire the facts will bear out that our Country has and is making identical mistakes that led to the demise of that Empire. The final collapse came about when the Roman Government reduced/failed to pay the Roman Army due wages/benefits. The Roman Army finally laid down their arms and refused to heed the call of the Roman Senate to restore order in the Empire and protect the political idiots of such Empire.

Boomer....who sez keep yer guns clean and yer ammo dry cuz the house of cards here in America is on track for collapse. I for one took the Oath to protect this Country from all enemies both abroad AND FROM WITHIN. NUFF SAID.


I'm curious Syscrusher, what is your and your families' military history?

My dad enlisted in the Navy at 16 before Pearl Harbor and was at Gudal Canal at the end of the war. I enlisted in the USAF in 69 and got out in 73. I was part of part of Operation Linebacker and served in Southeast Asia in 72. Due to the way the military was treated during and after Vietnam, I DID NOT encourage my son to go into the military.

You referred to where they "worked". In many or most cases, it was a lot more than a job where they worked. When you are in the military, you are basically owned by the government. You do what you are told, when you are told. If you don't like what is going on that day, you don't go to your union rep and complain.

Etcswjoe touched on several things that most people never have to even think about and the reason they don't have to think about is because someone else stepped forward to do what they could so others don't have to think about it.

All gave some and some gave all.



Most of the people who live through the awful conditions that Joe mentioned don't get a military retirement at all because they get out and get jobs like most of us. If we are really compensating people for being shot at then why don't those people get nice pensions? The rest of it really is just a job during the many years that the US didn't have wars to deploy to. That and it's your choice if you want to stay in as career military. I don't like that illegals get any services and the offspring of illegals should not automatically be citizens either so I'm with you there. Things are tight all over with lot's of talk about cutting benefits for people who worked until they just couldn't anymore and y'all are grousing about cutting benefits for somebody who should be in their prime earning years? That dog don't hunt.


2nd that Joe, most people have no idea what it takes to be a veteran. I still think our country should have a compulsory military service. A little discipline and job skills would do wonders. . .

Posted (edited)
Most of the people who live through the awful conditions that Joe mentioned don't get a military retirement at all because they get out and get jobs like most of us. If we are really compensating people for being shot at then why don't those people get nice pensions? The rest of it really is just a job during the many years that the US didn't have wars to deploy to. That and it's your choice if you want to stay in as career military. I don't like that illegals get any services and the offspring of illegals should not automatically be citizens either so I'm with you there. Things are tight all over with lot's of talk about cutting benefits for people who worked until they just couldn't anymore and y'all are grousing about cutting benefits for somebody who should be in their prime earning years? That dog don't hunt.



So what you are saying is after I went through all this stuff I was stupid for staying in? I do think more get out than stay in, I believe only 15 to 17 percent retire but without those that stay in till 20 or more you would never have any senior enlisted and the knowledge base that goes with it. As for the pension I wish I got more it's nowhere near enough to live off of but we knew that when we signed up.



Also most of the stuff I mentioned still goes on in peace time, because deployments still happen, troops are forward deployed and there is always somewhere that the US sends the military into.

Edited by etcswjoe

Link is bad there Joe, it dont work. But I'm sure thats a pay for someone that retires today. I retired in late 90's as an E-6.

Syscrusher- My friend I enlisted in 1978 My base pay BEFORE taxs (yes we paid income taxs on our military pay just like your pay check) was 397.50 a month. Do you think you could live off that even back then? Because I was married at the time I did get like $60 a month towards rent, but you can only imagine the kind of housing you could get for that. I'll tell you what friend if you think you can live off my retirement pay for a year with out working full time somewhere else I'll send it to you. No I dont have a big Mcmansion, brand new cars and all that crap. Where these folks think retired military get paid all this money I have no idea. Dont get paid much when your active duty and then if your lucky you only get 1/2 of that when you retire, and they still take taxs out of that!!

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