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Heated gear


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Never felt the need for heated gear in the past but decided late last year to give it a try. Yesterday was 77 deg but woke up to 45 this morning for a planned ride. I have a Gerbin liner and gloves and I can't believe I waited so long to be in comfort while riding in cold weather. Nothing cold at all except my knees so maybe pants are next. If you been on the fence about heated gear I give it a thumbs up.

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Love my Gerbings! Have the jacket liner, riding pants, glove liners and socks. If done over, I would have skipped the pants. I never find it necessary to turn them on. Good insulated riding pants would be just as good. What I don't like about the gerbings riding pants is they have no vents should it warm up later in the day.


I bought a spare MC battery and I take it with me into my deer stand. This way I get to use the heated gear while hunting as well. Yes Gerbings sells its own batteries, but a MC battery from wally world is cheaper. In fact, that is where I will be in half an hour. Sitting in my stand at 28 degrees all toasty warm.. :)

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I just bought my brother in law a heated fleece jacket last week for Christmas. He doesn't ride but recently moved to Ohio from Texas and is freezing to death here. So...the one that I bought him does not hook to a bike but has it's own 7.4 volt lithium ion battery. Charges in about 3 hours and will last from 2 to 8 hours depending upon the heat setting. Says "Cabelas" on it but says "made by Gerbing" on the inside. Very nice jacket.

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,,,, if only I lived in Florida.:confused24: I meet a guy on a 'wing almost every morning on my way to work. He works at Fort Knox and rides every day there's not ice on the road. Noticed this morning he had a riding suit on, but up til now all I'd seen him in was a leather jacket and chaps. Guess I'm a wuss cause my hands just can't take the cold anymore.

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