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Ice cream cone


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History note for Big Tom. The ice cream cone was invented 110 years ago today.:stickinouttounge:


I didnt even know they had Cows back than,, thought it was all buffalo..... Try milkin one of those suckers (dont know Tom personally but from the stories I have heard he could/would have,, all for the JOY of ice cream..) :cool10:

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What stories ??????? all lies...well, most of them...ok some of them.....errr..... I confess the're all true.....:fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16):


Hey Tom,, gotta ask ya sumthin,, do you remember those old Bill Cosby records about go carts, the snake under the bed and, my favorite, when they got their tonsils out?? HILARIOUS!! Anyway,, EVERYTIME YOUR NAME COMES UP ON HERE I THINK OF BILL COSBYS ICE CREAM SONG associated with getting their tonsils out.... :rotf::rotf::rotf:

Someday, somehow, somewhere, sometime - we WILL toss one back!!:cool10:

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Hey Tom,, gotta ask ya sumthin,, do you remember those old Bill Cosby records about go carts, the snake under the bed and, my favorite, when they got their tonsils out?? HILARIOUS!! Anyway,, EVERYTIME YOUR NAME COMES UP ON HERE I THINK OF BILL COSBYS ICE CREAM SONG associated with getting their tonsils out.... :rotf::rotf::rotf:

Someday, somehow, somewhere, sometime - we WILL toss one back!!:cool10:


Aw man Puc did this bring back the memories, my Mom had every one of those albums and played them often. Why is there Air? and Baby coach wheels? Gotta see if she still has them, Thanks for the smiles.



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Aw man Puc did this bring back the memories, my Mom had every one of those albums and played them often. Why is there Air? and Baby coach wheels? Gotta see if she still has them, Thanks for the smiles.




You betcha Craig!! CLASSICS FOR SURE! Glad to hear that I am not the last man standing of an era gone by..:cool10:


Well Puc, you can always come to the WNY Regional next August...


Sooo,, if we (gotta include Tippy, cant even pull the bike out of the garage without her on it :cool10:) did this Regional thingy could we find places to do this (see pic) along the way?


Someday, somehow, somewhere, sometime - we WILL toss one back!!



Watch throwing those cones. You may choke on them. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:


Actually, its not the choking as much as the BRAIN FREEZE I worry about :rotf:an us ice cream eaters know how to fix that :backinmyday:

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