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Get mine in 1st!!

Yammer Dan

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Man I am with you guys,, I sure would like to get my hands around the neck(s) of the person(s) who started this whole spend spend spend idea that is what Christmas has become... Wish we could go back to the "peace on earth and good will to all men" days!!

Ouch,, Tippy just smacked me (she loves shoppin),, THANKS ALOT DAN - OL PUCS IN THE DOG HOUSE AGAIN!!! :backinmyday:

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... I sure would like to get my hands around the neck(s) of the person(s) who started this whole spend spend spend idea that is what Christmas has become... Wish we could go back to the "peace on earth and good will to all men" days!!...


It was the 3 wise men that brought gifts. And they set the standard high with gold, frankincense and myrrh. Must have been a good idea to give gifts since they were wise.


Besides.... can't ride with the cold and snow that some people have, what else are you going to do other than shop ?

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It was the 3 wise men that brought gifts. And they set the standard high with gold, frankincense and myrrh. Must have been a good idea to give gifts since they were wise.


Besides.... can't ride with the cold and snow that some people have, what else are you going to do other than shop ?





Sit in the garage and look at bikes and dream of Spring!!!:whistling:

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I have a really hard time "getting into the spirit". Something about spending more than you have made almost all year. All the family get together drama, scheduling whos gonna be where and spend what day with witch family etc. And not to mention the hours to dig the christmas decorations etc out, time putting them up, then storing the boxs again for 4 weeks when you repeat the whole process again to pack up. Grrrrr Taking a cruise to Hawaii would be soooo much easier.

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I have a really hard time "getting into the spirit". Something about spending more than you have made almost all year. All the family get together drama, scheduling whos gonna be where and spend what day with witch family etc. And not to mention the hours to dig the christmas decorations etc out, time putting them up, then storing the boxs again for 4 weeks when you repeat the whole process again to pack up. Grrrrr Taking a cruise to Hawaii would be soooo much easier.


Who does all that??? I just pull the bike out of the shop and turn the lights on.:rotf: It is decorated all year long.:rotf::rotf::rotf:

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  • 3 years later...

Actually, it was the pagans in Europe who started the custom. They decorated the tree, gave presents, and had a great time celebrating the winter solstice and the Christians adopted those same customs so they didn't keep losing members because the pagans were having more fun. They even adopted the date Dec 25 as the birthdate of Christ. I didn't learn that by going to church every Sunday as a boy. A writer for the Raleigh newspaper did some research and published an article about it back in the 80's and that is when I learned.

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Definition of humbug. 1 a : something designed to deceive and mislead b : a willfully false, deceptive, or insincere person. 2 : an attitude or spirit of pretense and deception. 3 : nonsense, drivel. 4 British : a hard usually mint-flavored candy


Draw your own conclusions...

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I wrote and produced a Christmas Radio Special in 1971 that was broadcast all over Europe on the American Forces Radio Network. I was stationed in Turkey at the time. Was about the customs and legends of Christmas. I learned quite a bit researching the show!!


Now, I just barely get finished carving the Thanksgiving turkey, and I find I'm late on getting out my Christmas cards.....again!! Who put the clock on fast forward??


Do enjoy the Holidays, they just come and go way to quickly anymore.

Yikes, gotta hit the sack. I think I just heard Santa....

Night all.. Merry Christmas...:cool10:

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Man I am with you guys,, I sure would like to get my hands around the neck(s) of the person(s) who started this whole spend spend spend idea that is what Christmas has become... Wish we could go back to the "peace on earth and good will to all men" days!!

Ouch,, Tippy just smacked me (she loves shoppin),, THANKS ALOT DAN - OL PUCS IN THE DOG HOUSE AGAIN!!! :backinmyday:

I don't often say it out loud but, I too breath a silent sigh of relief when Christmas finally passes. Don't get me wrong I celebrate the reason for the season. But it's the other parts of the Christmas season I find tedious.


Christmas music, for the first day it's ok but by Christmas day I've had more then enough

The best thing about the day after Christmas is knowing that I'll be safe from Christmas lyrics for another year.


Decorating, for years I have advocated the concept of skipping all the work of dragging all that stuff out of the attic putting it up then deconstructing Christmas afterwards. Every year I get overruled. But as I write this,the morning after Christmas all the stuff is already deconstructed and safely stored up in the attic until next year.


Rampant commercialism of the Christmas season. In my mind another conspiracy to keep the masses poor and struggling working for the man to make him richer and richer. Much like toll roads on highways that have long since been paid for, paying for the privilege of being bombarded by advertising, Don't get me started.


My strategy is spend the money on things we need rather then things we want but don't need. Except for the children, the main joy I get from Christmas is the joy of the children at Christmas. That was cool.

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I think some of you have this all wrong.

Christmas is what you make out of it, Not what commercials tell what you should do. Decide for yourself what is important and do that.

I remember the days when we made things for each other and not spent our life away trying to buy happiness.


I prefer to see Christmas as a celebration. I don't need useless stuff to make that happen. I told my kids if they get me something that it must be consumable and not stuff that hangs on the wall or what ever. In fact I didn't even need that.

For the first time in a long time I have felt the joy of Christmas because I realize it is more about the giving than the getting. By going to church and listening to the songs not just hearing them and yes I even sang along.


I tried to help a couple the other night and after I did I just knew it made no difference if they were scamming me or not, the intention was to do a kindness for someone else at Christmas.

I accomplished that, the rest is on them and what they do with it.


Like I told my kids, be happy with what you have, be grateful. There so many people that don't have anything and may be just looking for their next meal this Christmas.

Material stuff doesn't mean a lot to me. I just need to be comfortable and provide for me and mine.

I never want to feel sorry for myself, cause I consider myself pretty dog gone lucky, three wonderful daughters who are independent, smart, beautiful and just plain great kids. I choose to be happy.


If that sounds like bragging, I plead guilty, my three girls, family and friends are really all I need. Oh and a cookie here and there and I am good.


Best to all of you and yours and have a great new year.


Steve aka Bubber

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Ok, I'm a little older now, and maybe a bit wiser,,,, but I'm with Bubber on this one.


I just can't see why anyone would want to go out to spend money on something that they have been doing very well without for the last year or so. If you haven't needed for so long, what would be the rush for getting it right now,,,, is it just because a person needs to stay ahead of somebody else in their toys?....... And getting gifts for each other?? are they really in need of that item, or will it get lost in the shuffle in the next day or so.

We used to get a new coat, or warm socks,,, now that was useful and appreciated for months,,, guess those days are gone though.

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