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Has anybody got a deer yet this year?

adventurer 08

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Rifle season opens tomorrow for us in South Dakota. I am away from home rooting for the high school girls volleyball team playing in the state tournament. 2nd year in a row, but its a good problem to have. My oldest son will be at home trying to fill the freezer before I get my chance. I do have some does and yearlings that come up in the farm yard every night. I have been informed that they are pets by my wife and daughter. We will see what my wife thinks of them when we plant some new trees next spring.....

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My niece got a 6 point with a crossbow. (Ohio)

I haven't hunted in 10 years, but I still go up the huntin' cabin with the guys. I usually take a camera, and hunt with it. I thought I got some great pics of a ten pointer until I tried to view them, finding that they didn't come out. Didn't format the card or sumthin'


As I've aged, I lost my desire to kill deer. I like to see them too much, and there's too few of them left where I hunt.:cool10:

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I wasn't hunting but I did get one just outside of Moncton N.B. in the car in August.......$3000 damage later





How did you get the speed and timing right to make contact at the right time????:think:


No matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get it right!! I keep missing!!:yikes:


I hope no one was hurt!!:backinmyday:

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My son took a buck the first week in Nov. and I took a doe in the third week of Oct. Both taken with a bow. 1st shotgun season started this weekend, we went out yesterday but didn't see a thing. My son is sitting all day today, we'll see how that goes. There's always tomorrow still.:fingers-crossed-emo

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My son took a buck the first week in Nov. and I took a doe in the third week of Oct. Both taken with a bow. 1st shotgun season started this weekend, we went out yesterday but didn't see a thing. My son is sitting all day today, we'll see how that goes. There's always tomorrow still.:fingers-crossed-emo

My son just called to let me know he downed another buck with the shotgun about an hour ago. That's 3 deer for us this season so far:cool10:

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My son and I both shot a deer. The same deer. He shot it first then later in the morning when he was following the blood trail it got up and walked out into the field in front of me dragging it's guts so I shot it again.


I let my son claim the deer so that he would clean it and tag it. It still went into the family freezer where we will all be enjoying it until it's gone.


Other than that it's been a slow year. I shot at three others but did not find them.

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Guest tx2sturgis

I've had several biker friends killed while riding by hitting those damn things in the road. I know many others who have had wrecks and injuries. I grazed one while riding a few years ago, could have died.


Like wild hogs, they are a big problem.


Please hunt them until the only ones left are in zoos. We can only hope.









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