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It's 7:58pm and it's minus 28 C :cold::cold::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling:

I will be glad when it ends Charlie..It was a record 97 2 days ago and today a cold 64 but sunny!

It's 7:58pm and it's minus 28 C :bawling:


That's even cold in metric.


Hold on there Bud, Those three good weeks you get up there are coming... On either side of - and hopefully during - the international Venture Rider meet you should be OK! :D


We had a high of about 30f here in east Tennessee today with snow blowing sideways. I thought about you guys and wonder how you deal with this stuff for so long. I really think I would have to move somewhere else if it was like this for months on end.

The good thing for us is Sunday is predicted to be 60f and sunny. Sounds like a nice ride to me!!!


Guest Saddletramp

It seems like it has been a long winter this year but actually it has been a "normal winter " for northern NY. It just seems so long because we have been spoiled the last few. I'm ready for spring however!!!!


I know what you mean Charlie. I am sick of looking at snow. I am sick of all of it. But it is almost March; so it should be almost over. You take care and keep warm. Why don't you and Hope come on chat more often; at least you would keep your fingers warm.



I feel your pain Charlie. I'm going through the very same thing here. Cold, wintery days that hover around the high 60s and low 70s and bone chilling nights that sometimes get down into the 50s.......Oh, for the return of warm weather again and get me out of this iron grip of winter................heh heh

Too funny - I almost did the other day - what a winter!!!


Hey Eugene I assume your still down south. ? When do you come back ?




Today was nice in the 70's but what really made it nice was seeing geese flying over head this afternoon. I was out watering the live stock when I heard the Geese and looked up sure enough they were heading North not one or two flocks but 8 flocks of geese in a period of an hour I heard nothing but Geese. In each flock I lost count at around 60 - 70 I have not seen so many Geese like this in a long long time. Sure did make my day brighter. Geese flying North means summer is around the corner.



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