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Ok enough!!

Yammer Dan

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I got leg cut on in July. Warden got chopped on last week. Daughter went under knife day before yesterday. Son goes in surgery in the morning. I've HAD ENOUGH!!!! I HATE HORSEPITALS!!!


Then quit going to the Veteranians.. LOL:buttkick:


Seriously though... you've had more than your share of bad luck....


Penny and I will pray for your family...

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I feel for ya brother!! Went thru it back in 03 (simular stuff to what Lewis is facing) and still makes me feel woosy when I go to visit people in the hospital (something about the smell of horsepistals)...

Praying for your family too!!!


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I guess it's all part of the aging process, but everything the docs have been doing for me give me relief, glad I am not seeing the same docs as Yammer. hang in there Dan, we are pulling for you and your family.


I feel for ya brother!! Went thru it back in 03 (simular stuff to what Lewis is facing) and still makes me feel woosy when I go to visit people in the hospital (something about the smell of horsepistals)...

Praying for your family too!!!


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