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Considering selling the bike....


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I am considering selling the 99. Right now im going through all the pros and cons and im going nuts. If I do decide to sell it its because of some personal considerations that I am facing. Most of you already know what mods are in the bike. It is in excellent condition. I just have to get my head wrapped around this one. And no, its not to purchase a Harley. I'd rather not put my reasons out publicly. If anyone is interested in this bike then maybe we can talk about it. Like I said, im still going over whether I will sell it or keep it.

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Well Jeff,

I must say if I was ever going to go back to a Yamaha Venture I would jump on your bike in a heartbeat. You and I have joked for years of me being that so called beneficiary, but we both know it was all in pure fun.

I know the things you have done to your bike and you always did an outstanding job. You never mickey mouse'd anything on it. Always top notch!!

I also know that the one I had I loved and it too had many accessories and special things I did to it.

There has never been another bike that I have looked at or rode that I liked more than my 05 RSV.

With that being said, I can only recommend that you dig deep into your heart and thoughts before you do get rid of it. I had no choice since mine was totaled. You have a choice and it is one that only you my friend can make.

Oh believe me, I do love my Goldwing. But we all know a Goldwing just doesn't LOOK like a motorcycle...They are great for long distance and other things but not something one would want to stare at for long.....

I wish you the best in your decision.

You have one beautiful bike there guy.. Absolutely beautiful.

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I understand the tug o war going on inside your head. A few months ago I was pros/cons list on selling vs. keeping. A Goldwing was in my cross hairs, so much so I test rode one 350 miles and have pics of it in my garage!!! I do not know what precipitated your thoughts on possibly selling. My suggestion would be to sit and sleep on it unless it HAS to be sold. I did not sell mine and so far I made the RIGHT choice by keeping it. The good part is that you'll probably sell it fairly quick, the good part is if you keep it, from Ecks point of view you have a killer bike. Don't go back and forth too much, IMO, make ya nuttier than a fruit cake. Make a decision and go for it. In the end, you have to be happy.


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My thought on this is simple. If you REALLY enjoy riding I would not get rid of the bike unless you have absolutely NO alternative. I have been through some really tough times and I so far have not had to let go of anything that I really loved to do.

The reason being once its gone you do not have something you love to do that WILL help you get through the rough spots in your life.

Your bike is a form of mental therapy, take it away and its one more thing to become despondent over.

No don't let it go you still need a distraction to help you get through it.:backinmyday:

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Thanks for the encouragement on keeping the bike. Those who know me know that I love this bike. Without going into great detail its not a financial thing but I am having a hard time riding it. I am too tentative while riding and my reaction times are terrible. My night riding is terrible. I fear doing harm to myself, my wife or others. I feel that its time to hang it up for now. I have ridden for over 30 years and I am experienced enough to know that the "safe" feeling is not there. I know someone will get a real nice bike. Maybe ill feel different sometime in the future but for now I just cannot take the chance.

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Thanks for the encouragement on keeping the bike. Those who know me know that I love this bike. Without going into great detail its not a financial thing but I am having a hard time riding it. I am too tentative while riding and my reaction times are terrible. My night riding is terrible. I fear doing harm to myself, my wife or others. I feel that its time to hang it up for now. I have ridden for over 30 years and I am experienced enough to know that the "safe" feeling is not there. I know someone will get a real nice bike. Maybe ill feel different sometime in the future but for now I just cannot take the chance.

As the guys have said only you can make that decision. As all of us get older our reaction times, strength and balance, etc. get slower to a point we may feel we're not safe anymore. I was going thru some of the same thoughts after my last accident. But my love of the open road kept me around. That and the fact that I'm on 3 wheels helped in that decision. Of course even being on 3 wheels is no guarantee you'll still be safe but I feel the odds are more in our favor then.

Good luck on your decision no matter what you decide.


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Thanks for the encouragement on keeping the bike. Those who know me know that I love this bike. Without going into great detail its not a financial thing but I am having a hard time riding it. I am too tentative while riding and my reaction times are terrible. My night riding is terrible. I fear doing harm to myself, my wife or others. I feel that its time to hang it up for now. I have ridden for over 30 years and I am experienced enough to know that the "safe" feeling is not there. I know someone will get a real nice bike. Maybe ill feel different sometime in the future but for now I just cannot take the chance.


I know doubt of my riding style. At times I find a little too much exuberance creeps in and I know that will lead to trouble and so I cool it. If I didn't feel hyper aware on a bike I wouldn't ride it. You could try only day rides in good weather, maybe discuss with the doctor, some days may be better than others, more focused. You could be in a slump right now that will pass. You'll sell it more easily in the Spring than right now. If it's not the money, hold onto it for a while and see if there's a change of heart?

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