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Wingsuit flight

Venturous Randy

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Copied this from the National Geographic Website.


There are many qualified wingsuit instructors across the country, with first flight courses starting at $100. Options include Texas Wingsuit Academy in Texas (www.texaswingsuitacademy.com), Z-Hills in Florida (www.z-flock.com), WestCoast Wingsuits in California (www.westcoastwingsuits.com), Flock University in Massachusetts (http://www.flockuniversity.org) or Brothers Gray Wingsuit Academy in Maryland (www.myspace.com/thebrothersgray).

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Being a fan of crazy stuff I've tried a lot of things. Being a big Guy, 6'2" and close to 300 lbs most my life its been challenging.


Hot air ballooning...... kept staring at the floor of the wicker basket and making sure i didn't set my hair on fire.


Wind Surfing...... you have any idea of how far that "normal" sized board stays under water with a big Guy on it?


Sky diving...... i had concerns. The instructors assurred me i would be fine. If needed they could rig me a chute they use for dropping Jeeps.

Funny guys.


Rock Climbing....you know they don't use steel cable...at all.


Then i saw the Wingsuits. Too cool. I really like that. Saw a video of a Guy "threading the needle" through a crack in a mountain. Too hot!


So i started studying up on glide ratios.


I think I'll set this one out. I got a bucket list but it don't involve a spatula used with the bucket.


So I'll be wimping out on that one. Ya know ... . Live to fight another day and all that rot. LOL.


From my Droid wherever I may happen to be at any given moment.

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Jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft?



As far a buzzing unpopulated mountains, you could do the same thing in a plane.


The main difference being; an airplane has power, power IS altitude...


this would be much more exciting:



No thanks on the wing suit...they should take a spoon and bucket along...just in case

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