Venturous Randy Posted October 12, 2013 #1 Posted October 12, 2013 It started out last Sunday when Linda and I went for a short ride, just to get out on a beautiful fall afternoon. After stopping at a store, we got back on the bike and as we started to pull out turning to the right, I stalled the bike. We did the slow tip over and I hit the ground hard with my arm under my right chest. I could not get up by myself and also could not breath. I finally got up on my hands and knees and two guys came over to help me get up. They also picked the bike up for us. Linda got a skinned place on her elbow the size of a quarter. I ended up getting two X-rays, but the VA could not find a break in my ribs, but I was told by another doctor that only about 50% of rib cracks can be seen. It is now Sat morning and I am still in a lot of pain and a simple hiccup feels like getting punched in the ribs by Mike Tyson. I was diagnosed with a chest wall contusion. Now, that is the good part of the week. A couple of weeks ago, while at work, Linda experienced some chest discomfort for a few minutes and Friday a week ago, she had some dye work done to see blood flow around her heart. While waiting for the results, she went to work Wed and ended up having a heart attack. They did the probe thing to see if they could put a stent in and can not find her Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery which is also known as the "Widow-maker", due to a problem with this artery being so deadly. They ran another dye test and it also does not show this artery passing blood. So, on Monday, her team of surgeons will make a decision on what to do. She is still in the hospital and if they do a by-pass, she will be in there until about this coming Friday. She is in great spirits, but she is scared and so am I. Randy & Linda
Woody Posted October 12, 2013 #2 Posted October 12, 2013 Randy, you tell Linda that Trina and I are praying for her good and fast recovering. I think I will include you in there too.
KarlS Posted October 12, 2013 #3 Posted October 12, 2013 Praying everything turns out good for you and your wife.
uncledj Posted October 12, 2013 #4 Posted October 12, 2013 Thoughts and prayers going your way. Don't worry too much about the stint, from what I understand it's a fairly routine procedure these days. My brother had a similar situation. Flue like symptoms they couldn't figure out until they gave him a stress test. They took him from the test directly to the operating room and put a stint in the "widomaker". (98% blocked) That was on a Thursday, and he was back to work on Monday.
Brake Pad Posted October 12, 2013 #5 Posted October 12, 2013 Ditto on both accounts, I will pray for your Lady for a speedy recovery and you, for your discomfort.
mini-muffin Posted October 12, 2013 #7 Posted October 12, 2013 The upside is she's in the hospital. Glad she's staying positive, best thing to do now. keep us up on how it's going. Keeping good thoughts going from here. Margaret
skydoc_17 Posted October 12, 2013 #8 Posted October 12, 2013 Hey Randy, Both Jean and I will be praying for you and Linda. A few years ago, Jean went down at work, that turned into a "triple bypass", the surgery saved her life. She is retired now, but gets around much better due to the repair. I hope it works out the same for Linda. You both are in our thoughts, Jean and Earl.
Barrycuda Posted October 12, 2013 #9 Posted October 12, 2013 Prayers and positive thoughts. Like the previous post, these are relatively "normal" procedures now a days. Hopefully a speedy recovery for you both.
bill in mn Posted October 12, 2013 #10 Posted October 12, 2013 I'll be in your corner praying for strength and peace of mind. Knee mail sent.
Phoneman1981 Posted October 12, 2013 #11 Posted October 12, 2013 Praying that both of you recover quickly.
CaptainJoe Posted October 12, 2013 #13 Posted October 12, 2013 Thoughts and prayers from Penny and I to Linda and you.
cecdoo Posted October 12, 2013 #14 Posted October 12, 2013 Sorry to hear about your week Randy, Linda is in the rite place and I am sure they will get her fixed up and good as new. Those ribs will probably take longer to heal then she will. Hang in there, will be sending good thoughts your way. Craig
Squidley Posted October 12, 2013 #15 Posted October 12, 2013 When it rains, it pours Randy. I hate to hear of you good folks having all this happen. I wish y'all nothing but the best in the recoveries and surgery. This getting old stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be. Keep us updated my friend and we'll keep you and Linda in our prayers.
Marcarl Posted October 12, 2013 #16 Posted October 12, 2013 Praying for you two Randy,,, asking that through all your trials and problems you will find blessings.
Motorcycle Mike Posted October 12, 2013 #17 Posted October 12, 2013 Shirley and I have both of you in our prayers. If there's anything we can do, I believe you have our number. If not, my cell is in my profile.
MikeWa Posted October 12, 2013 #18 Posted October 12, 2013 Randy Miko and I are so sorry to hear of your and Linda's problem. As the recipient of a triple bypass myself I can tell you first hand that we are fortunate to live in a era where these things are repairable. Even though is is frightening going in there is every reason to hope for and believe in a positive outcome. We truly wish you both all the best. Mike & Miko
Prairiehammer Posted October 12, 2013 #21 Posted October 12, 2013 Here's to a successful procedure for Linda. I fell on the ice one winter and like you landed on my right side with my arm under my chest. I cracked a couple ribs but there was nothing they could do other than "take it easy". You think hiccups are bad? Wait until you sneeze! Good luck, it may be a long winter.
Brown Angel Posted October 12, 2013 #23 Posted October 12, 2013 Glad the bike was there to bring this to your attention! Now your going to bet help and feel better. Prayers:thumbsup2:
DragonRider Posted October 12, 2013 #24 Posted October 12, 2013 Charlene and I will be praying for you and Linda, old age isnt all fun and games, we tend to be more susceptile to everything. Maybe its time for a trike, I will never drop another bike as long as I have 3 wheels under Charlene and I..........not worrying about me getting hurt, but I sure dont want to drop Charlene again! QUOTE=Venturous;799566]It started out last Sunday when Linda and I went for a short ride, just to get out on a beautiful fall afternoon. After stopping at a store, we got back on the bike and as we started to pull out turning to the right, I stalled the bike. We did the slow tip over and I hit the ground hard with my arm under my right chest. I could not get up by myself and also could not breath. I finally got up on my hands and knees and two guys came over to help me get up. They also picked the bike up for us. Linda got a skinned place on her elbow the size of a quarter. I ended up getting two X-rays, but the VA could not find a break in my ribs, but I was told by another doctor that only about 50% of rib cracks can be seen. It is now Sat morning and I am still in a lot of pain and a simple hiccup feels like getting punched in the ribs by Mike Tyson. I was diagnosed with a chest wall contusion. Now, that is the good part of the week. A couple of weeks ago, while at work, Linda experienced some chest discomfort for a few minutes and Friday a week ago, she had some dye work done to see blood flow around her heart. While waiting for the results, she went to work Wed and ended up having a heart attack. They did the probe thing to see if they could put a stent in and can not find her Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery which is also known as the "Widow-maker", due to a problem with this artery being so deadly. They ran another dye test and it also does not show this artery passing blood. So, on Monday, her team of surgeons will make a decision on what to do. She is still in the hospital and if they do a by-pass, she will be in there until about this coming Friday. She is in great spirits, but she is scared and so am I. Randy & Linda
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