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Wife wiggled at the wrong moment- word to the wise


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Got gas with wife sitting on pillion same as we always do.

Climbed back on and righted the bike. Reached down as we all do to bring up the kickstand just as my wife wiggled to the left. Before I could get my left foot planted my "never laid over RSV" was past the point of no return. There is my baby laying against the highway peg and me saying rather loudly to my wife in the intercom "step off".

Knowing how to lift the bike from previous experience with other bikes made a big difference in my attitude and demeanor.

Still had a bruised ego but I will certainly make sure to be stabile before reaching for the kickstand any more.

When did you drop yours?



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Funny I thought this might be about something totally different from the headline but this is a motorcycle site so I'm now up to speed so to speak.


I don't fully understand the reference to "reaching down" as it is a KICKstand after all. No need to reach down, but the kicking would put you on one foot which isn't stable. All I can say is:



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Ok- " reached with my left foot for the kickstand.."

And what do you want pictures of? My bike in its side or my wife wiggling at the wrong times?

Only the "best" friends take photos before helping and I can take a selfie when she wiggled because it it always an "oh $h!t" moment when she does it.

Not to mention stretching out her legs in front of the pillion foot pads just as I come to a stop.




Edited by VentureFar
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The bride is a good rider but at times I'll tell her "SIT STILL" .When I got my 85 I had never had a radio on a bike so we would go for the tour and she's dancing on the back to the music. I thought it would pass but it got to be even more fun so I had to slow that down. They are big bikes.

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I let my wife get on the bike with the kick stand down. That way you don't worry about your footing or the weight shift as the passenger gets on. I also have the front brake on when she gets on the bike. With the kick stand down and front brake on, the bike isn't going to move on me. If the bike is parked with very little lean on the kick stand I also make sure my feet are well planted.


Once she says she is ready (hooked into the intercom, comfortable and settled), then I bring the bike straight up and raise the kick stand.

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I always straddle and support the bike with kick stand up when ever a passenger gets off or on. Reason being that depending on the bike, it is possible that with the kick stand down as the suspension squats from the additional weight the kick stand can force the bike to over balance in the opposite direction.

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The last time I went down......I was in traffic and the young couple in front of me was not paying attention, texting I think. As the light turned yellow they slammed on the brakes. I locked up the back brake, grabbed the front brake, handle bars jerked left, bike stopped. My feet were not down, bike went down. I was able to step off. I was nervously shaking and had a hard time picking it up. Thank you Lord only the pride bone was hurt.

My bad for not paying attention to a stale green light.


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I always straddle and support the bike with kick stand up when ever a passenger gets off or on. Reason being that depending on the bike, it is possible that with the kick stand down as the suspension squats from the additional weight the kick stand can force the bike to over balance in the opposite direction.


Normal parking lot- departure scenario is I get on. I start the bike. I lift the kick stand . I straddle the bike with front brake on in neutral- she climbs on.

At gas stations she has always stayed on the bike. I climb off, gas up, get back on- lift the bike off the kickstand and go- like I said above, this time she wriggled left as my heal was lifting the kickstand and plop.


Moral of the story:

She won't be staying on the bike at gas stations any more


Find a lighter wife whose wriggle doesn't upset the apple cart

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Wife has recently started riding with me. Only took one almost incident to get her to understand. "DONT MOVE when we are standing still or going very slow. If you HAVE to move during one of those times make SURE you let me know."


Now she's a statue when she needs to be and can move around when she feels the need at other times.

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Wife has recently started riding with me. Only took one almost incident to get her to understand. "DONT MOVE when we are standing still or going very slow. If you HAVE to move during one of those times make SURE you let me know."


Now she's a statue when she needs to be and can move around when she feels the need at other times.



....does she have a sister ? :fingers-crossed-emo


We have an intercom and I tell her to be still and she still moves. I am splitting lanes in LA freeway traffic on my RSV at 5 mph and she wiggles.



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Last time I went down....oh you mean the bike. Lets see it was chritmass eve day '08 getting off interstate, the ramp is a left exit and almost dead straight except the last 30 ft which makes a hard 90' to a light. anyway had her down to 45 mph and hit a puddle of antifreeze. I'm on my back sliding down the ramp with the bike bouncing in front of me. As i stop people are running over thinking I died. Got up went over to bike picked her up. No Freaking Shifter. Borrowed a pair of vise grips hooked em on and drove back home, got my car and was 20 min late to work.


That bike is now in possesion of my son and still running strong

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I've dropped mine three times. 1)In a gravel parking lot, stopped, my left foot slipped on the gravel before I could put the kickstand down, over she went. 2)Again left side with wife on the back. Pulled up to the gas pump island, the raised island with the yellow metal ring around them. Was too close to put down the kick stand, so put my left foot out on the slippery painted yellow metal ring, down again. Picture this... my wife and I laying on our sides both still on the bike. Some lady walks up to us and starts asking for directions, like this is the way it's suppose to be! 3)Again in a gravel parking lot - facing up hill this time. Bike is stopped, have both feet out, right foot sliding on gravel, have handlebars turned to the left. Use front brake to stop the bike from rolling backwards (still running), front swings around, also sliding on gravel, over she goes, wife still on the back. No damage in any of the falls (except my ego).

ps. gravel parking lots suck!

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I've dropped mine three times. 1)In a gravel parking lot, stopped, my left foot slipped on the gravel before I could put the kickstand down, over she went. 2)Again left side with wife on the back. Pulled up to the gas pump island, the raised island with the yellow metal ring around them. Was too close to put down the kick stand, so put my left foot out on the slippery painted yellow metal ring, down again. Picture this... my wife and I laying on our sides both still on the bike. Some lady walks up to us and starts asking for directions, like this is the way it's suppose to be! 3)Again in a gravel parking lot - facing up hill this time. Bike is stopped, have both feet out, right foot sliding on gravel, have handlebars turned to the left. Use front brake to stop the bike from rolling backwards (still running), front swings around, also sliding on gravel, over she goes, wife still on the back. No damage in any of the falls (except my ego).

ps. gravel parking lots suck!


don't you just "feel" it is going bad at that moment but the events just unfold anyway because there is nothing you can do against gravity.

Nice thing I am hearing from all is "no damage" when it is a stopped layover.



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