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Meet Courtney! She is very loving and affectionate but a little meek. She is around 3 years old and a itty bitty kitty at 6 1/2 lbs. The house was too empty with Sonny gone. We think of him every day but needed someone else to love. In another week she is going to have a playmate as we are also adopting a 6 month old male tuxedo cat named Billy Boy, who is also very loving, but has an upper respiratory infection and is on antibiotics so we can't pick him up quite yet...

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In answer to that Trader, we made a very interesting discovery yesterday. Becky was out in the gazebo so I thought I would carry Courtney out there to Becky. When I picked her up in the kitchen, Courtney was purring away and happy, but as soon as I walked thru the door she immediately stopped purring and clung onto my shirt like I was going to toss her away or something! As soon as I got her inside again she began purring again! Later Becky brought her to the door to show her where I was, out in the gazebo, and as soon as she got to the door she stopped purring! We conclude she has a fear of going outside! No motorcycle for her...


Funny thing in the carrier she was quiet and well behaved all the way home which was a 45 minute ride!

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