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Sooo. almost got creamed by a tractor-trailer on the morning interstate commute. Just a little lane changing turned lane sharing. Scary but no lost parts or contact. I foundout stock horns really aren't that loud when you need them. List wisdom points me to a Stebel or Wolo unit. Just how weather proof are these. Will they hold up if mounted, lets say, in front of the radiator? I ride in all weather, March to November in Wisconsin so you know they're going to get wet. Also this is for my Honda GL1500 commuter machine. Any tips for horn mounting with all that Tupperware?


Thanks in advance!



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Cheap Harbor Freight Woo Loo lasted 6 winters on this Roadstar in the snowbelt of Lake Effect snow Ohio. It's still going. And since I got the Venture, it will STILL be my Winter bike.

Harley Shop has a Winter Warrior thing In January, We stopped by the STAR dealer, but it was a super bad snow with Ice under it and everything was closed that day. But the Harley Shop and Wal Mart, same parking lot.

Still have the bike, but not the beautiful assistant.

Edited by IronMike
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Had my Stebel for years with no problems. Carbon One sells a nice polished bracket and relay kit too I believe. Mounts the horn in the stock location and is plenty loud.

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I have 2 Wolo Bad Boys on my bike. I have come to the conclusion that even as loud as they are, it is still not loud enough. At highway speeds the wind seems to kill the sound enough that it is still not heard for any great distance. It sure sounds loud in a parking lot or to the rider, But I have to many other drivers remain oblivious to my presence.


But I have a plan I am working on to get MUCH louder.:mo money::mo money:

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