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Praise report!!!


You may remember that two years ago, we adopted our son, Simon. It was from my daughter's call to "M" work in foreign orphanages that she first met him and we eventually became his "Forever Family". He's 3 1/2 now and doing just fine. What a blessing to us.


Now, when either my wife or I go somewhere, upon returning, Simon always says, "You came back!" We tell him that we will always come back. It's a security thing. I grew up in foster homes. I know how important a stable place to live can be.


Last week, that daughter of ours returned from 1 1/2 years "M" work in the far east. Her goal was to get a certain orphanage open to international adoption there. Children would just be sent or abandoned there and stay forever, with no hope.


Well, although she is very tenacious and doesn't accept "no" too often, she still gave herself 2 years to accomplish this task that HE (the one upstairs) placed upon her heart. However, HE had other plans and HE did it in about 15 months!!! Several children have their "Forever families" now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have another daughter in Europe in M school now. Y'all can pray for her too.


Last Sunday, I was invited to a wedding where two of my former youth ministry students were getting married. The bride to be asked if I had a song that I would like played. As a dad, I could think of just one, "That's My Job", by Conway Twitty. Makes you think...


If you dads out there have a minute, please listen to that one today and think about your sons and daughters and what's most important to them (that you are their DAD).


I also have an adult son in the military who is estranged from me. Don't know why, he just quit communicating. You can pray for openings in communication there too.


If ya got kids, I don't care if they are 60 now, give them a hug :bighug: or a phone call today. Cause nothing can take the place of a father's love.


Thanks for sharing. My wife and I have spent years working along side orphanages in different countries. My son just went down to Haiti with an on going project a program has down there. He cant wait to go back and my wife and I want to go at some point.


Congrats on giving your kids a loving heart. I will pray that your son opens his heart back towards your family. I have almost lost both of my children in the last couple of years, my daughter when he MRAP hit a IED in Afghanistan and my son who collapsed and almost died when he stopped breathing. Both are doping well and I am thankful every day I still have them.




Good story thanks for sharing. My youngest boy was in Jackmal Haiti right after the earth quake. He was sent there by the Canadian Army to run portable water purification plants to supply the locals with fresh water.

The oldest boy was in Afghanistan at the same time getting shot at in his RG-31 Nyala. Similar to the MRAP. Came back safe which was more then can be said for a couple of his friends. Cherish them when they are around as they are in a very dangerous profession! :backinmyday:





Today, my wife and I :grandma::322: agreed to pursue another adoption. That would make six kids for us. Somehow, after coming to that decision today, I don't feel as old as I did yesterday.


wow great storys, its people like you that really show true heart in this sometimes very cruel world. Prayers sent for all. And I agree about the conway twitty song- its been a favorite of ours for years, both my girls love it and its on most of our ipods

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