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I just bought a 1999 Venture. Guy I bought it from had changed stator, R/R, and put in a new battery and said all was well. Well it wasn't. Riding back 500 miles to home about 90 miles out the radio starts to make static and go off an on as does tape deck. I turned it down to zero vol. and was riding alone an boom the radio come on LOUD and I start pounching buttons no effect and then it just goes off. I have tried to push the Audio button to turn it off and it will not go off (held it for like 15 secs) Bike started fine after night in motel and started fine this AM when I took it over to a buddy to look for the problem.


Battery was reading 12.5 disconnected and came up to 12.8 after 3hrs of being disconnected so batter is OK. Stator checked out OK. Havn't got to R/R yet but buddy tested the neg pole to the neg wire and got a drain like 12 with no key in bike.

turned on acc and the drain didn't change on the meter. Disconnected the fuses to the left of the battery to no effect. Battery is getting 12.8 charge at idle and 13.4 reved up which is low. I used the cruise control and no problems with it and lights seemed to be fine only the radio is the clue. The guy I bought it from says the radio was what made him look for a problem as this list suggused it to him. So we are back to sqare #1.


I don't think the bike is haunted so there must be an answer but judging by all the problems I have read about mine will just likely be another one added to the list but would appreciate any advise or suggestion as we plan to take the tank off and get at the fuse box to start testing each one. One question what is the best way to get at the R/R to test it? don't have a lift and can't work under the bike so that leaves? Taking off the radiator to get at it?


Thanks for any help and other than calling ghost busters I am open to advise.




Battery was reading 12.5 disconnected and came up to 12.8 after 3hrs of being disconnected so batter is OK. Stator checked out OK. Havn't got to R/R yet but buddy tested the neg pole to the neg wire and got a drain like 12 with no key in bike.

turned on acc and the drain didn't change on the meter. Disconnected the fuses to the left of the battery to no effect. Battery is getting 12.8 charge at idle and 13.4 reved up which is low. I used the cruise control and no problems with it and lights seemed to be fine only the radio is the clue. The guy I bought it from says the radio was what made him look for a problem as this list suggused it to him. So we are back to sqare #1.



When you say you got a drain of 12, 12 what? If you were measuring volts, then that is normal, If you were measuring amps, that is really bad.


Your charging voltages are low.

Here is a test procedure.



I cant help with how to get at the RR.




The battery unconnected and out of bike was at 12.9 volts. Put it back into bike and tested from neg post to Neg connection wire and got a reading of 12 volts.


Did the same thing on a Harley next too my bike and it read less than 2 volts neg post to neg ground wire. Unless the Harley battery has ran down to that low of volts both bikes should of had close to the same reading of Volts going through the neg pole and wire shouldn't they?



Bike running and tested battary at idle was 12.5 and if you raised up RPM it went up to about 13.4 which is a little on the low side at raised RPM so checked stator and it passed just leaves the R/R or the short issue which in itself could be causing the low charge?


Thanks for help



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